Country: Morocco
Registered: August 20, 2021
Last post: April 23, 2024 at 7:15 PM
Posts: 292
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the elephant in the room is how biased they are

posted about a year ago

if you want to do anything except watching the game hop on tarik's stream

posted about a year ago

only if they make it to playoffs imo

posted about a year ago

yea if it's the second gae it's acceptable, because the first game might just take longer than what they anticipated but it's just unacceptable when it's on the first game

posted about a year ago

are ghost T1 or not yet?

posted about a year ago

styling911 you're the worst being on this website please start thinking before posting anything

posted about a year ago

let's make a petition or sth to end this bs

posted about a year ago

one more csgo thread and i'll pull out my eyeballs with a rusty fork

posted about a year ago

it's probably just because you don"t know what the maps are like

posted about a year ago

anime characters names are the worst

posted about a year ago

u mean the chinese

posted about a year ago

one akrew player (a nobody) who kept shittalking on twitter

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

well trent was radiant playing on a 60hz monitor, walmart keyboard and shit pc so.. anything is possible if you're good enough

posted about a year ago

so sad to see

posted about a year ago

lmao he got knif

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

only the real ones know that the best casters in the world are the english casters for the koreaan vct.

posted about a year ago

even though vlr has caused irreversible brain damage to most of it's users (ot the ones that were "sane" before coming in at least) i love the site

posted about a year ago

it still looks good lmao

posted about a year ago

if they win round 20 they win the game

posted about a year ago

but nobody overrates them lol

posted about a year ago

they'll comeback on the 2nd half.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

it made no sense at all but it's probably some personal shit going on

posted about a year ago

i really hope that they'll avoid him

posted about a year ago

you mean the new shroud??

posted about a year ago

no shit

posted about a year ago

Ghost also had a close match against XSET

posted about a year ago

yea that's what i wanted to say

posted about a year ago

longer duration of ult and damage shouldn't count to your armor and flashes pop faster

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

idk what some of these dumbfucks in vlr are trying to deny. csgo is a classic and majors are always fun to watch.

posted about a year ago

yea it's pretty complex when brim pulls out his ipad or omen goes in his 3d simulation to place smokes. alsojett knifes very complex weapon to use as well as chamber's op and almost everything else except for sova and maybe viper.

posted about a year ago

:skull: they announce new players on instagram

posted about a year ago

why -50 downvotes??????????

posted about a year ago

posted about a year ago

u got motion blur on or sth?? your skreen keeps bouncing

posted about a year ago

he only streams in swedish?

posted about a year ago

lame asf with mid takes mid conversations gets baited easily and his chat isn't even funny.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

this meta has been so brutal to sentinels dude.. nobody uses kj and we haven't seen cypher since idk when

posted about a year ago

he rarely talks about something interesting

posted about a year ago

Tarik watchparties are really boring. he keeps talking about anything but the game and his takes are mid asf. main stream >>>

posted about a year ago

i hope so

posted about a year ago

it would be crazy if he just said fuck it and started playing phoenix regardless...
also how could riot buff phoenix while maintaining his duelist status? another flash would make him more of an initiator, wall and molly buff doesn't seem like it would be enough (also how could they buff these two?)

posted about a year ago

he used to be a very good duelist (even tough he almost only played phoenix) he had crazy xhair placement and was pretty consistent

posted about a year ago

BatChest i hecking love TSM

posted about a year ago

yea ik

posted about a year ago

:skull: x7

posted about a year ago
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