Flag: Dominican Republic
Registered: December 9, 2021
Last post: November 28, 2023 at 3:44 PM
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Sadly boring he should go to talon esports imo

posted 10 months ago

Nah that was xeta, munchkin insane doe

posted 10 months ago

Sorry guys im going with bcj

posted 10 months ago

But it would be funny doe?

posted 10 months ago

Lowk yay on liquid fits and would be insanely funny

posted 10 months ago

Its announced bruh😭

posted 10 months ago

Does the EG loss count as a choke, it was almost a reverse sweep tbh

posted 10 months ago

T1 deserve it

posted 10 months ago

This is my theory

posted 10 months ago

Cant wait to see how he gels with apoth screwface and penny

posted 10 months ago

Yay would clear on deadlock for sure

posted 10 months ago

He would be better if he would 🐥

posted 10 months ago

They betrayed me

posted 10 months ago

Okobotro 🗿

posted 10 months ago


  • cresp, number 1 EG hater
posted 10 months ago

Guardian is def demon1

posted 10 months ago

Bc he is canada resident. Dephh was british and US resident so he didnt count as an import.

The import rules are not about citizenship they are about residency. Ban was a korean citizen and still counted as an import bc he had never gone to korea before.

posted 10 months ago

It took him a long time to be as good as he was in cs. He struggled finding his agent pool/his playstyle.

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

All eg players (except reformed and icy) are in contract. EG can ask for a buyout

posted 10 months ago

They betrayed me 🥲

posted 10 months ago

Brim - johnqt
Yoru - tenz

posted 10 months ago

Fuck Evil Geniuses yeah yeah Fuck Evil Geniuses (only the org)

  • Cresp biggest EG hater
posted 10 months ago

He igled for akrew yes never for eg

posted 10 months ago

Hes good

posted 10 months ago

On bind and split, he flexes onto different roles bc the sentinel would normally go onto viper, however because he isnt comfortable on viper he flexes onto skye, astra or breach back in chamber meta. ( he played breach on their triple initiator no sentinel comp on ascent too)

posted 10 months ago

Bc he doesnt play viper, but he is comfortable on the sentinel igl

posted 10 months ago

Johnqt has always played sentinel on the igl role bro he wont switch on a whim. Dephh switched bc he was comfortable during chamber meta on the flex role. The whole flex thing is just a personal thing, most eu igls and a lot of other igls normally dont play initiator

posted 10 months ago

There is a midseason transfer window

posted 10 months ago

Lmfao people die bc of cancer everyday and we got people complaining about having to play 8 hour long tournament days for money btw wahhhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhhhhhh boo hoooooooooo :c

posted 10 months ago

Mine is so clear

posted 10 months ago

100t boostio 100t zikz 😍

Only reason tbh.

Was never a 100t fan before just cant root for my fav team anymore cuz the org is dogshit.

posted 10 months ago

100t will drop asuna 😲

posted 10 months ago

Theyre probably affiliating which is fucked i thought sen was gonna be m80 affiliate but now that i think about it mxm fits more.

posted 10 months ago

They be hatin fr lemme step in see what i can do

posted 10 months ago

BCJ CLEARS YOU + he will join 100t so if you dont like him too bad.

If he doesnt join 100t i will be 😲

posted 10 months ago

We love you aspas come to brazil

posted 10 months ago

“Breaking bad is the best show ever made except for maybe The Wire”

posted 10 months ago

Latam if DR is LAN then PR is LAN.

However, in ascension he wouldnt count as import in NA bc he is resident/citizen of US.

posted 10 months ago

Nope bcj 😍

posted 10 months ago

I prefer offseason vlr to any other vlr less people begging for attention.

posted 10 months ago

Yeah its pretty objective not sure if they will be asking for buyouts or not but its the info we have.

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

Didnt know you needed to qual for lock in. Read it again

posted 10 months ago

Hi OP to clarify. EG has not released their entire 10 man roster, the only free agents are reformed and icyy, all the other ones have to have transfers approved by EG.

Source: global database :)

posted 10 months ago

Atakaptan, qw1and mrfallin have not attended more than 2 international events (that you needed to qual for). Turkey bias is notable.

posted 10 months ago

Jawgemo perfect replacement for jinggg but monyet is also good.

posted 10 months ago

Hes filling bc their 5th has visa issues

posted 10 months ago
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