Country: Austria
Registered: July 26, 2021
Last post: April 27, 2024 at 10:25 AM
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unlucky bro faze down, 100t win

posted about a year ago

Nice try, 100t threw that round to that eco, gonna lose that game now

posted about a year ago

sure but, bad performance on map > no showings of a map nowadays? or what wtf

posted about a year ago

idk who expected 100t to win on split, they are awful on it, idk who shit in the casters brain but they have to start watching the games and not talk by stats from 1 year ago lmfao

posted about a year ago

how much luck you want?
SPG: yes

luckiest team alive, just run it down now maru

posted about a year ago

SPG is so lucky clutching some bs rounds they should never. Took maru m2 live at 7-10, doubt spg has any more luck.


posted about a year ago

where are guild 2-0 bettors? LMAO 13-10 BBL

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

11-9 BBL BRO, gonna be 12-9 cuz GUILD ECO now

posted about a year ago

gld nice bind pick, picking BBL best map 🤣

posted about a year ago

lfg, thought cnj going to throw my ml, but thanks god they covered this. love it GG

posted about a year ago

no one is gonna sign a team like gmb with this performance bro, look how awful they are currently

posted about a year ago

NGL, not even suprised that m3c lost this, they should have lost to navi aswell, just lucky team. thank god that they finally getting exposed when nats rat doesnt work out

posted about a year ago

GG BIG, love to see it, thought gmb would win m2 at the beginning, but tried my luck and bet on big m2, and it paid very well, ty <3

posted about a year ago

bro, there is no think, it is just a fact current state. D3ffo is one of the worst duelists in top 10 Valo currently, just look at him

posted about a year ago

redgar not gonna win shit bro, he became worse, but no other good IGL in CIS region free agent

posted about a year ago

M3C ultra trash, losing to worst team in group, not 1-2 but 0-2, choking vs different other teams, and always getting a close win.

Is it time for them to change roster?

-d3ffo -sheydos?

posted about a year ago

and there we go, big got it to 4-4, meaning gmb has to eco 5-4 BIG they 100% win this map

If you can bet live, take @1.95 here for BIG at 4-4

posted about a year ago

3-4 big, if they get 5 just end this game early, big going to win this map <3 LFG #GOBIG

posted about a year ago

big like to choke till its intense gonna close this out next gunround 100% at 13-10

posted about a year ago

LETS FUCKING GO! Thats what we love to see, BIG finally growing into their real power. Take this 2-0 BIG BOYS

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

gmb used to be smart, nowadays they are straigth shit

posted about a year ago

lfg big, gmb fluked multiple games in row, finally getting exposed

posted about a year ago

maka left falcons to go 0-2 vs cruelty

posted about a year ago

ez 100t m2, thought they would lose with some bs but they covered

posted about a year ago

wrong maps? why would xset pick best map of 100t lol

posted about a year ago

Generally speaking cant blame him only, whole Sentinels team is playing awful, probably they arent even trying hard to win considering sick and tenz are missing out

posted about a year ago

optic 10-2? how am I losing lol

posted about a year ago

anyways well played for sentienls nice pick into bind, giving a free 2-0 to optic.

2-0 2-10 is aswell a funny thing

posted about a year ago

ngl, i dont know how I catched 1.55 for 2-0 optic vs this t4 mix team lmao, if that isnt the freest bet of the day I don't know what is.

posted about a year ago

weird map pick ascent from big ngl, but kinda pog we see m3 here

posted about a year ago

betway/gamdom/bet365/ etc...

posted about a year ago

Lmfao, 1.72 for m2 WGS, idk what bookies have been smoking but has been some good stfuf

posted about a year ago

ez 2-0 for WGS, wondering if people actually expected Spear to win a map

posted about a year ago

not only b site, they just hate the game lol

posted about a year ago

My bad, sorry for misscall 9-9, g2 threw vs half buy. But They won the following one 10-9 for G2

posted about a year ago

and g2 10-8 :) I love valo betting its so easy

posted about a year ago

and here we go, we take that 8-8, 5 more g2 babies

posted about a year ago

and FPX got the 9th round, easy af. That should be the lockin for FPX fracture. Nice pick by g0-2 hahaha

posted about a year ago

FPX gonna win m1, they improved their T strats heavily. idk how G2 picked into fracture

posted about a year ago
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