Country: Austria
Registered: July 26, 2021
Last post: April 17, 2024 at 2:15 PM
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you watched optic games in na? they barely dominater their own region, unlike LOUD. Imo LOUD > optic (current state) fns is a dead body

posted about a year ago

for real tho, but na is blind will never understand it

posted about a year ago

hahahaha cant even win 2 rounds on their own mappick, whats up na??

posted about a year ago

loud fluked heavily once and got overrated af.
optic been going downhill aswell, lost to eg and xset lmfao

posted about a year ago

lmfao this is the best team na has? hahahah, we have 2 better teams than guild in this tournament. should be ez for eu once again

posted about a year ago

you, or who? literally if you watched the game you will see was a good bet and had decent value if japan didnt throw to 2 ecos and both pistols lmfao.

braindead valorant player detected

posted about a year ago

zzz if nth didnt lose both pistol 2 ecos would been an easy bet

posted about a year ago

zeta could have made it close, but nth not even winning 9 on their own mappick

posted about a year ago

lfg geng breeze now just end it boys

posted about a year ago

geng should 2-1 this

posted about a year ago

dude stop joking around its literally 13-11 lmfao

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

just get a fucking na account and make it vct and you will see livescore lmfao. yay profile says 11-11

posted about a year ago

just go on vct account you will see actual score and dont just be stupid lmao. its 11-10 :D

posted about a year ago

its 9-11 you arent even funny at this point, gonna be 10-11 cuz optic on eco. making it 50/50 at this point, value high on xset and would be crazy not to take them :D

posted about a year ago

lmfao how is xset @2.7 and 10-11? optic cant win any attacking rounds if not pistol ez another 150€ on that :D

posted about a year ago

no chance for optic to win ascent, if not out of where third pistol round now

posted about a year ago

pog xset gonna comeback from 3-11, believe 8-11 on ggbet

posted about a year ago

11-8 tho, its easy doable for xset here

posted about a year ago

no they win this game 3-1. Optic with corona is awful, and slow reactions for them will lead to their lose :D

posted about a year ago

nah xset winning this 8-4/9-3 is ez af for yset

posted about a year ago

xset m4 @3.3 (3-8, optic cant play attack, should be ez at 4-8)

posted about a year ago

well 6-9 looking good so far, wanted to see 4-8 but seems like 3-9 also does the job. Luckily xset are trash on the attacking side

posted about a year ago

@2 m2 for optic at 3-5 what are those odds lmfao, should be ez here for optic

posted about a year ago

krü wins m2, they have insane ct side

posted about a year ago

why downvote when its 15-13? lmfao

posted about a year ago

11-11 FNC just close it out now boys, nice comeback from fpx but no need to extene this when its obv you stand no chance

posted about a year ago

okay fnc 9-9 just close it out now, think fake comeback from fpx. should be 13-9

posted about a year ago

LFG 8-4 FNC, just win the pistol and close it easily out

but this final is boring, fnc 3-0 just seems so expected and zzz ngl. Well I wont complain about free money, but yet expected a more thrilling final. GG FPX

posted about a year ago

lmao nice agent selection, fpx calling it here XD fnc m3 @1.5 free

posted about a year ago

clean 3-0, no way fnatic lose haven

posted about a year ago

why throwing dwg, go close it out now with 16-14 wtf

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

and there we go, ez dwg @1.6 for breeze. Hope they close this out cleanly 3-2 <3

posted about a year ago

FNC 2-1 FPX 2-1

posted about a year ago

nvm lmfao thought m1 was free bet but they go 9-7 5v3 10-11

posted about a year ago

onic m1 @1.56 is it just me or this is freeest bet?

posted about a year ago
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