Country: Laos
Registered: September 13, 2022
Last post: October 19, 2023 at 10:27 AM
Posts: 263
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Def gonna watch it! Thanks bro

posted 9 months ago

I am severely underpaid at my job due to my lack of experience. I've been doing a poor work, because I have 0 motivation to do better, since my wage is as short as it can be.
Everyday I try to be at least a little productive, but there are some days that I literally browse vlr for 60% of my work time and now I feel guilty about it.

posted 9 months ago

Honest question. Are they?

posted 9 months ago

boi: Juice WRLD
gurl: Sarah Squadrani (Ancient bards vocals)
hobby: coding, studying linguistics

posted 9 months ago

I mean, little by little we're purging them.

u guys remember gamr?

posted 9 months ago

as LCQ is comin', are we going to trash talk like we hate each other? And then we unite again to shit on EMEA on champions?

Sorry idk much about social interactions

posted 9 months ago

actually he's too inconsistent. Sometimes he's a hell of a player, sometimes he's a troll

posted 9 months ago

he's better than br t2 and bros from mibr
but not nearly as good as bros from loud
we'll see

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

hmmmm então agr é tentar achar novos círculos sociais

Boa sorte rs

posted 9 months ago

take good care of yourself first, I know it sounds like "papo de coach" but it's true.
If going to the gym is a possibility for you, go.
Try to shave your beard and keep a cool hairstyle, try to buy a nice smelling soap, try to find out what clothes fit you well and make you look better.
It's crazy how these things kinda attract people.

After you've taken good care of yourself, I promise things get easier.

posted 9 months ago

Perdoe-me, amigo. Daqui pra frente irei apenas conversar amigavelmente com você. Principalmente quando conversarmos em português, que é nossa língua nativa, certo?
Que daqui pra frente deixemos para trás todas nossas diferenças, e que a LOUD vença tudo.

posted 9 months ago

average Congo1 L

edit: most braindead user fs

posted 9 months ago

EMEA t2 is better guys
NAVI clears m80
TL clears the guard

the thing is that EMEA t2 has like 20 teams

posted 9 months ago

yes, I agree that EMEA t2 is better than Americas t2
TL > The Guard
NAVI = m80
FUT > The Union

We can go on, but I think you get the idea

posted 9 months ago

i don't think the solution is to move the franchise permanently to a specific country. I tihnk it should change every year

posted 9 months ago

have "luck" stat capped at 100

posted 9 months ago

i think aspas's current english level would make him able to give and receive calls in the game
as for more complex strats, i honestly don't know

posted 9 months ago

bro actually believes cned is nearly good

posted 9 months ago

+ntk +pancc

criminally underrated dream team

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

g'nite mate
hope you sleep wll and rest enough 🙏

posted 9 months ago

do you like sucking "americans" dicks?

posted 9 months ago

best team itw?
if not, why?

posted 9 months ago

I don't understand why murizz tho

posted 9 months ago

yeah it f*ing sucks
average riot L

posted 9 months ago

then unitedstadians (yes, unitedstadians. "American" applies to all people in the american continent) gonna whine about how they can't speak more than 1 language

posted 9 months ago

I think he's talking morally. It feels (morally) wrong that Pancc gets out of this without going to jail or sth alike.

But, as I said, legally speaking he's clean... So, nothing we can do. There's no point in whining about him eternally.

posted 9 months ago

Pancc is not innocent, but the girl didn't press charges, so legally speaking there's not much (actually nothing) to be done

posted 9 months ago

valorant feels so boring right now... I don't give a f*ck about ascension (despite flag), masters was kinda shit because matches would happen literally midnight in my local time...
Why is this year's schedule so fucked up?

posted 9 months ago

we all know who has the best aim itw

FNS (if you disagree you have a d* in your nose)

posted 9 months ago

it is subjective
but you should know that when the topic is linguistics my opinion is the only one that matters

posted 9 months ago

because british imperialism + united states imperialism????

Like... Being the most widespread language doesn't make it less bullshit????

I'm speaking on linguistic features, including morphology, phonetics, lexicon... So, it doesnt matter how many people speak it, it's still a fucking mid and you can't do shit about it.

Also, 0 props to english language on being the most widespread language. Do you even realize what British and US made to other countries so that all of them would have english as 1st or 2nd language???

Do you really think english is so widespread because it's a "cool" language? Like, really?????

posted 9 months ago

First babysasuke L that I see

English is 100% bullshit, and the only people that disagree are native English speakers, usually the ones who don't speak other languages

the actual language rank is:
All 7000 languages (except english and spanish) = All 7000 languages (except english and spanish) > english > spanish

posted 9 months ago

If franchise next year takes place in São Paulo, then BR teams will have advantage for 1 whole season, no?
So I think it's easier to host franchise in more than 1 country rather than trying to create more franchises

posted 9 months ago

Bro, what they did was outside of valorant. What do you want riot to do? "OH LOOK AT YOUR PAST, LOOKS LIKE YOU'VE BEEN A PIECE OF SHIT BEFORE THE GAME EXISTED SO YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO PLAY"
Their crimes are horrible but it doesn't make sense to want to remove them from society if legally they owe no one nothing.

For TenTen, AFAIK he had a bad behavior WITHIN the context of the game, so YES, RIOT SHOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

The debate should not be about what attitudes were worse, but whether they concern the game or not...

posted 9 months ago

Nem assisti. Mas confesso que DUVIDO que a 00 seria o melhor time BR independete do IGL kkkkkkkk

posted 9 months ago

that was sick

posted 9 months ago

I'm not sure gringos know what pix is lol

posted 9 months ago

We all know english is a bs language. Only people that think it's not are the people who only speak english 🙄🙄🙄🙄

posted 9 months ago

Txozin (got EG to Tokyo 2nd place, you can't disagree on this one)

posted 9 months ago

supernova has been claiming himself as king of valorant for a while now

Now that I think about it, being king of valorant is not the same as king of vlrgg

In that case, I think it has to be Nachtel

posted 9 months ago

cara, eu (e mta gente) acho o melão engraçado...

posted 9 months ago

this statement is so wrong I can't even start

posted 9 months ago

The thing about cauanzin is that his potential is just insane. Saad and other players see him as someone who is going to be an insane player. See #10 as an example of one of his insane plays. That is not luck, that's raw skill that needs to be polished.

My point though, is that it doesn't really matter how much potential you have if you don't perform. There are thousands of players around there with much potential, but what matters is whether you perform or not.

So, I do think cauanzin is underrated internationally, but I think he is overrated by my Brazilian brothers who look at him and see his potential and forget about performance itself.

posted 9 months ago

Saturday was leg day and now I am in severe pain, friends.

But at least I didn't skip it. Never skip leg days, brothers

posted 9 months ago

i hate acend

posted 9 months ago

Impossible to disagree

posted 9 months ago

i mean, we can't expect much from Congo1, can we?

posted 9 months ago
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