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Registered: May 20, 2022
Last post: May 22, 2024 at 1:38 PM
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i mean if u watch everything to rate it, then yeah every movie or show will be mid

posted 9 months ago

I will say, there was a big focus on this within oppenheimer after they launch the bomb where Oppenheimer ends up saying to the active president he feels there's blood on his hands, and the president shrugs it off saying he launched the bomb, not him and when oppenheimer walks out the oval office, in the distance he hears the president say "don't let that crybaby in here again"

this was one of my favourite scenes of the film

posted 9 months ago

the best is a stretch, let them prove it first lil bro

posted 9 months ago

people like ben shapiro are just weird, don't give him attention

posted 9 months ago

i mean if u never let a roster become good and mould then yeah shocker the roster will always be trash

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

it's the fact he isn't allowed to play how HE WANTS TO PLAY on jett, he has to restrict himself so much when u can tell he doesn't want to from my pov

posted 9 months ago

ngl i've been saying for years that tenz doesn't look like a duelist player off his playstyle, even looking at people like yay nowadays his playstyle fits a sentinel more than a duelist, i feel like we are gonna see this realisation in a lot of duelists

posted 9 months ago

Heratics 2-1 KOI

posted 9 months ago

What's terrifying is the fact your a genuine stalker and no one gives a shit

posted 9 months ago

didn't ask, don't care, fix it

posted 9 months ago

fix it instead of looking for help from useless idiots, hope this helps :)

posted 9 months ago

won't lie i was talking about emea

posted 10 months ago

How is gamechangers gonna go considering the 4 teams in each group make it through and nothing changes between now and playoffs.

posted 10 months ago

am from the u.k still do not give a fuck about that sport.

posted 10 months ago

u do have mmr in dms, i've been in full immo dms and full gold/plat dms at differing times, there's defo mmr it just depends how well u play tbh, it's also very loose though, win 1 dm insanely dominantly in like gold, expect to be in high dia next game

posted 10 months ago

thanks for the explanation

posted 10 months ago

tell that to your flair

posted 10 months ago

kru fan opinion rejected

posted 10 months ago

I thought they were one of the best gc teams and they are currently 3-2 losing to alliance and kpi who i didn't think were very good teams, can someone explain? (genuine question)

posted 10 months ago

Average sentinels fan

posted 10 months ago

Mid piece.

posted 10 months ago

you said "i get your point" when my entire point was EXPLAINING and not shitting on anyone, u clearly did not get my point since u proceeded to shit on people after saying what u said

posted 10 months ago

bro got on his alt to prove nothing and gave up afterwards, that's crazy ngl

posted 10 months ago

thing is, you've gotta consider the team dynamic yay came from, lets be honest, fns and chet pushed players to talk shit if it meant the team improved in the long run, that was the dynamic in optic, yay brought that to dsg and the other people there didn't have the same mindset, so they clashed, it really is that simple in the end in my eyes, no one is in the wrong, no one is the better or worse player, they are just different.

posted 10 months ago

"I don't care how hurt the other members of DSG may feel, nothing they say will ever hold up to the opinion of NA's godfather. As baity as this may sound, Imo the weight of his words is unironically heavier than anything anyone else in the scene may say aside from top teams."

This sentence right here shows the problem, you people would rather trust someone for who they are rather than actually figure out who's genuine fault it was, this is why people get cancelled for bs they didn't do..

posted 10 months ago

i won't lie i normally buy off 3rd party sites, they are usually more reliable lmao.

posted 10 months ago

don't mind this guy

posted 10 months ago

i won't lie, we've seen this with yay who now is in the dirt in terms of actual teams and competitively, he's chasing the money with all the "pro coaching" shit and i won't lie he's not shit on the people behind him but it may also be because he knows they made him

we've seen this with ardiis too imo and now he's hella underperforming in nrg + being toxic to everyone behind him and chasing whoever gives him money

The main 4 things between these people is imo, They do not care about winning, They chase the money, and they shit talk old teammates, people like that will not be around for long, and the community probably loves them because they are carefree just like all the kids at home having no responsibilities and whatnot.

posted 10 months ago

this is actually a really good take ngl

posted 10 months ago

blud doesn't even know what he's waffling and he's still wafflin it

posted 10 months ago

nukkye's ariel movements, he's a gymnast.

posted 10 months ago

800 dpi, 0.4 sens.

posted 10 months ago

i've felt it before, but 99% of people would just call it cope, so i assumed it was cope.

posted 10 months ago

And the funny part is, on top of what i've already said, i can sit here and say proudly that, yes given i did see a dog getting kicked, i would try to intervene, but i do not actively go out and seek helping others, in my view it's not what i hold dear to my heart, and this is why, i have said this multiple times, but at the end of the day, if someone has issues, it is their prerogative to get help, or seek counselling, therapy, etc for what they have gone through, which is rather a productive way of them getting help rather than them just being stuck in the bad circumstance they are in, while i cannot help them like a professional can, and if it is being pushed on someone else, to help someone with an issue like for example, self harm, which i personally in the past, with one of my friends constantly being on edge and willing to harm themselves given i did not stay and help them through it, because i did not have the expertise to help them, they did not get better by talking to me, and venting in a unhealthy way, i know that mentally, that takes a MASSIVE tole on me and my mind, so if u are saying, you should actively stay in that circumstance to help that person, you are suggesting that I personally stay in a toxic relationship which will harm me in the long run and most likely, also them because it keeps them from going and seeking proper professional help, when in reality, there are better people out there to support said person, who can actively help that person actually get better and get out of what they are currently doing, so in my eyes, once again, your view would be problematic there.

posted 10 months ago

This took a while to come out because i took a while to write it, and on top of that, i needed my sister, niece and mothers permission to give away these details, which they all gave me consent to, I appreciate your position given what i said before, but as i said before i do not exactly care what other people think of me online, but i do feel if u aren't just a troll and really care about truth, these facts will change your perspective of me for the better, instead of just random buzzwords and assumptions that u had thrown out.

posted 10 months ago

Your comments about privilege, I was brought up by a single mother, in a council house which we rented, my dad died when i was 7, who i might add, was abusive on top of everything else that has also happened, and my niece is transgender, who i would hang out with very often when i was a lot younger (8-12), and have no problem with her own personal decision and will always love and respect her for who she chooses to be, and her opinion, i trust that she is telling me the outright truth when she came out to me, and my mother about this and never once doubted who she was as i have known her my entire life and nothing will not change my opinion of her.

on top of that my mother worked very hard to run a business, to make ends meet for me and my sister after for a majority of my childhood having to go through college while juggling raising me and my sister and my father passing away, all after going through mental, sexual and physical abuse as a child herself.

my sister is bisexual and i personally am Aromantic, so i feel at the end of the day, i have dealt with enough of my own issues and adversity, that i would rather not have to deal with everyone else's issues and adversity on top of my own, i am happy and appreciate the position that i am in now, and i would not give up dealing with everything i went through, to have a more clean and positive upbringing and attitude that i would rather not deal with everything negative, since i have always felt negative, i would rather look more positively at the world and how we can change it for the better, i do not feel as though i am privileged and i know i am not a bigot, given my personal experiences in real life, so u can throw whatever u feel I am at me, but at the end of the day, i know what i am, u do not, if u do not believe or do not want to believe this proves what u said false, i suggest you look inwards instead of at me.

posted 10 months ago

Also TakaS from Gentle mates, very underrated imo

posted 10 months ago

whzy, not got the best team around him but i expect blg to make it through qualifiers nonetheless.

posted 10 months ago

bro forgot kd doesn't matter, all good let him have his damaging take

posted 10 months ago

that would be what learning is dumbfuck

posted 10 months ago

imagine aim training derke and still being dogshit at the game, that takes talent ngl

posted 10 months ago

anyone who says this belongs in iron, run far away.

posted 10 months ago

The problem i have with "varying opinions are born from ignorance" is the fact that, no one can change someone else unless they want to change themselves first, whether someone is ignorant or not, whether they want to change that will be down to them not some random person telling their perspective, and if someone chooses to stay ignorant why should i take time out of my life and try to change that, i don't need to do that.

for the 4th , i'm not saying it will be impossible, as i said and as historically has been proven, these people will always fight an uphill battle, and it's fine to explain and try to make others understand why they should support their cause, but plainly blanketing a bunch of terms which are known to have bad connotation towards it and makes a person look bad because they share their opinion which is not the same as the other makes an argument against their point plainly unfair off the jump, that isn't very good "equality" is it, someone isn't great because they can convince a room full of people already convinced of their point of view that they are right, but rather the person who is willing to go into an unfair circumstance and still fight for what they believe is right, imo.

For the 5th, i personally learn based off fact and studies rather than off my personal opinion most of the time, but most of the time i don't absorb any of these social justice issues because frankly it doesn't effect me, and I'm grateful for that, don't get me wrong, the problem i have is people making every action they do or every action they take based off the fact this person agrees or disagrees with me, that sounds very immature to me, i would rather just let that person believe what they want to believe and i'll go on holding my values strong, towards the end of it "marginalized groups" comment, i believe if they genuinely feel their point is valid, they should fight as hard as they can to convince as many people as they can that their way is the right way to go about the issue going forwards, u don't win people over by calling them bigots and labelling them as transphobes/sexists/racists etc, u win them over by sitting down and having a good talk with them, without judgement and bias.

i also wanna say, i appreciate that u were able to sit down and have a conversation about it with me, because instead of leaving with anger we both left with different perspectives as we considered before, and that was the purpose of my previous message, i personally don't mess with people who would rather insult than give realistic actual points towards an issue.

posted 10 months ago

why are u using an alt lmao, and using an argument too outdated and too unresearched for me to question is a good debate trick to trap people, but sadly i'm not stupid, if u wanna actually argue the point we are talking about, we can otherwise i won't respond

posted 10 months ago

the world will never be fully equal/fair, etc because everyone has a different view of equal/fair, this has always been the case and will always be the case, anyone fighting for equality will fight a losing battle the entire time because people will always be different, people trying to force their version down other peoples throats are the problem imo.

I'm not trying to force my view down your throat and i don't care about you, why do u have to shove your view down my throat type of thing.

posted 10 months ago

since people decided they need you to agree with them or your an asshole (most simple minded humans on earth)

this is not to be mistaken with people who do not care if u agree with them

posted 10 months ago

i saw the flag and fully expected this to be ardiis replying

posted 10 months ago

"all m80 gotta do is win 12 rounds after winning pistol" really sherlock how'd u figure that one, shut up with these dumbass threads

posted 10 months ago

this is the opinion everyone denies but it's still the truth, all these things are just made to put each other down instead of rising up against the PATRIArCHY AND THE RACIST SYSTEMS PUT IN PLACE!

posted 10 months ago
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