Flag: Oman
Registered: February 12, 2022
Last post: June 8, 2024 at 5:43 AM
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posted about a year ago

Not everything needs a reaction, just sit back and enjoy the view. 😂

I say shitting on Potter rn is harsh, let her cook for a little more and if its not working, boot.

posted about a year ago

Americas team rankings:

  1. LOUD


  1. Kru
posted about a year ago

No, 13-0 is rare as it is. At least not any that I'm aware of.

EDIT: Apparently there are a few lol

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Whenever I see people rank Initiators, Cauanzin is always top 3. Why? He is not NEAR top 3 in VALORANT. Like actually.

Seeing these lists gives me the same energy as those YOUTUBE video titles (For example:) "Cauanzin is the best initiator in the world!" and the clip is just him hitting a nasty 3k transfer...Like, do you not see how stupid you sound? What does Cauanzin getting a 3k transfer have to do with him being an initiator? He didn't use his utility at all to help him get those kills or anything like that. That's just his mechanical ability. + He is literally a Skye 1 trick with an okay Sova. What will happen if Skye gets hard nerfed or something? Then what?

How people compare him to the likes of Sacy, Leo, Shao etc.. is beyond me.

P.S, this is not a hate post or anything, please do not misunderstand. I do think mechanically, he is 100% up there. Just not as an initiator.

posted about a year ago

least obvious VLR bait

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Both are fucking amazing, having them on the same team is just too cold.

pANcada stats might say that he is underperforming and while that might be true, he is on a completely new role and duty. As time goes on and he gets more comfortable, this SEN roster might be clinical.

EDIT: Holy FUCK im an idiot LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO. I stray away from clicking links in VLR.+

posted about a year ago

cry is free

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

nice one lol

posted about a year ago

I mean, they did beat LOUD on pearl which is, statically, LOUD's best map. Whether you want to accept it or not is up to you.

The question is, can they keep this form up on pearl with TenZ or not? Because Marved lurks have been crucial.

posted about a year ago

World Champion core being pushed by a team with 2 rookies?

The mental being boomed is the most likely answer here on Ascent.

posted about a year ago

After champs 2023 (I think)

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Would be a dope rivalry if it can happen

posted about a year ago

How do you go from barely winning against this 100T to a hair strand away from 2-0'ing LEV and LOUD back to back.....

Do NOT let these SEN mfs practice 💀

posted about a year ago

You are speaking facts my guy

posted about a year ago

So not only are the majority of LOUD fans still salty that they lost Sacy and pancs, they are making fake stuff up about Sacy? And what’s worse is that everyone is believing it.

There are a lot of sane LOUD fans here which I appreciate but Twitter LOUD fans, from what the comments I've been reading after this SEN vs LOUD game are just bottom of barrel trash. The worst fans BY FAR of any team. Holy shit some of the things im reading.

Instead of being proud that Brazil birthed players of the caliber of Careca and pANcada, you hate on them. Pitiful.

Sacy could sue that person right now and he would be 100% in the right. Saadhak or anyone from OG LOUD should speak up honestly and say its not true.

It’s not an over exaggeration to say “sue” because claims like that can end careers in esports, ive seen it happen in CSGO so many times.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

its fucking lava

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

peak valorant

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

pare de chorar, carlaho

posted about a year ago

I'm fucking terrified honestly lol, at least have a respectable lose and not get stomped is all we're asking.

posted about a year ago

I read this 3 times and still couldn’t figure out what you’re trying to say 💀

Are you throwing shade at Aspas for playing ranked a day before his match or are you saying that Aspas doesnt care about the SEN match because it’s going to be too easy?

EDIT: I think I got it, nvm.

posted about a year ago

My heart says Sacy

My brain says Saadhak


posted about a year ago

The way he looked at the dart when he missed it got me rolling

posted about a year ago

Did bro just compare OXG to LOUD??

posted about a year ago

How many passive aggressive threads have you made about TenZ in the past 3 days? 💀

EDIT: Do NOT check this guys posts LMAOOOOOOOO, weak baits.

posted about a year ago

Match of history

posted about a year ago

Zekken is the future of North American VALORANT

posted about a year ago

I agree, but we're not talking about GC. She thinks flor is better than Aspas, Derke, yay and everyone else.

posted about a year ago

Nah she is not talking about the GC because balla asked

posted about a year ago

Balla asked her if she means GC or the world, she said "The world, yes."

posted about a year ago

On platchat she is saying that flor is the best player in the world LMAOO

And no one can even clap back cuz they are most likely scared from the Twitter incels

posted about a year ago

Maybe if you watched the video, you would have gotten the answer to your question.

TenZ is out for at least the LOUD and Mibr games, as Kaplan said. Will he recover and be able to paly after that? Who knows.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I missed his stream because I was sleeping and I'm watching the VOD now but why does he look so sad like he wants to cry? I heard he has been getting hate from his community but I dont know the truth of that claim.

posted about a year ago

I'd honestly think having pANcada as the main controller would be better and Marved would pick up KJ/ 2nd Controller.

But since pANcada has already been practicing KJ and there really isn't much time to spare because the super week is around the corner, Marved can just be the main controller.

posted about a year ago

Idk how to say this but it is definitely not a performance thing. There had to be something behind the scenes that we dont know about but people just yapping everywhere "drop x" and "y is replacing x".

posted about a year ago

Country: United States
Registered: March 24, 2023
Last post: April 17, 2023 at 1:41 PM
Posts: 2

posted about a year ago

Mods on this site are non-existent

posted about a year ago
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