Country: Brazil
Registered: September 9, 2021
Last post: February 18, 2024 at 9:20 PM
Posts: 759
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posted about a year ago

it might be....

posted about a year ago

Onur Diff is the name

posted about a year ago

only against br teams

posted about a year ago

No Kru, No Latam

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

quem são os 2?

posted about a year ago

Daddy?! Sorry... DADDY?!

posted about a year ago

e botei q a tbk ganhava da kru no meu redondo pq eu pensei algo parecido

posted about a year ago

apaga q ta dando gatilho

posted about a year ago

bad aim, dumb teamates and tilt = stuck in mid bronze

posted about a year ago

why the fuck would it need an english casting?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

no thanks, near airport can keep him

posted about a year ago

NIP needs fluyr back

posted about a year ago

1 brazilian fragger + 4 smart players from anywhere = superteam

posted about a year ago

no cap

posted about a year ago

i'm overdosing on copium

posted about a year ago dia 7, 13hrs, eu tenho fé

posted about a year ago

bro, the knife is not the only thing in the BP, check the firearm skins, buddies, sprays and player cards too

posted about a year ago

é não, eu que sou

posted about a year ago

choo choo i guess

posted about a year ago

the fuck we are, our super team lost to a racist cunt

posted about a year ago

by faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

he's dumb, he put 3 duel mains on the team

posted about a year ago

thank you for saying the same thing i said 3 days ago

posted about a year ago

maybe google translator

posted about a year ago

no, based on what i see on this forum. everybody says some toxic shit about us, we respond, yall get defensive, as if we are dumb and misinterpreted what you've said. and is comes mostly from NA folks

posted about a year ago

onde ta a gente espalhando odio? em um ele falou a verdade, kru é arrogante, em outro falou outra verdade, loud > kru, no 3 é o supernova q sófala merda e ngm gosta dele e no ultimo ele mostrou apoio ao emea. cade o odio sendo espalhado? a gente nn faz isso nn po, isso é coisa que vcs fazem, que o seu idolo keznit faz, que a sua comunidade faaz

posted about a year ago

a gente nem faz mais esse tipo de coisa e tu ae falando merda

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

were they punished at champions? bc it wasnt on the list for that tournament

posted about a year ago

yeah, we did that, we were wrong, we stopped doing it, we dont do it anymore. yet everyone is still toxic with us and play innocent later

posted about a year ago

you gotta be fucking kidding me bro. it must be a fucking joke or a fucking bait man.........

posted about a year ago

you stated a fact, people disagreed and downvoted your comment as if you were wrong and talking out of you ass lol

posted about a year ago

know exploit that wasnt on the illegal bugs and exploits list

posted about a year ago

wtf? what type of preferential treatment we are getting this year? BR have a chance of getting 3 teams on champs just like latam. NA isnt even that good at vlr (exceptions being old SEN and OPTIC) and have 3 guaranteed spots. why are you complaining about br WHO IS NOT GUARANTEED TO HAVE 3 TEAMS THERE saying we get preferential treatment?

posted about a year ago

why people hate us so much? we aint even toxic anymore, we dont cry for nothing, we dont send death threats anymore, yet everybody still hates us. we are trying to be better in every aspect and yall still bullshitting us.

posted about a year ago

they made it bc they as hot fire and deserve it, that's all i know

posted about a year ago

you know that BR is one region and LATAM is another different on right?

posted about a year ago

i would say lev, but they lost to br teams twice so.....

posted about a year ago

why the fuck would i not want 3 teams from my regions on champions? more games to watch, more emotions to go through, more teams to support

posted about a year ago

i first saw them when they were names AUSTRALS, they were really good back then and knocked all br teams off the lcq to champs and only lost on the finals to furia. i'm glad that now they're putting a good performance on an international stage for all to see

posted about a year ago

subs or no subs, nip would've won, vivo keyd came back from being 7 rounds behind and nearly took the game bro, they finished 10-13 wgen ther were 0-7. they surely were better than acend

posted about a year ago

NIP beat FNC vk beat acend and furia were rounds away from beating sen and you said they're all bad

posted about a year ago

latam hasnt done shit either and i'm defending that they have the same numver of spots on franchise BECAUSE IT IS FAIR

posted about a year ago

optic got 2 runners ups on vct na and won 1 masters, while both the actual champions choked, tf are you talking about more than 1 good team?

posted about a year ago

"but sen will bring in viewers" so will vk, furia, mibr, los grandes.....

posted about a year ago
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