Flag: Monaco
Registered: September 12, 2020
Last post: June 16, 2024 at 5:55 AM
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king krule
aphex twin

posted about a year ago

dude have no idea whats happening aint you

they are csgo major champs
and has been dominant this year
also their rocket league team is probably the best team on NA

posted about a year ago

G2 G2

posted about a year ago

nah its gonna be either 100T or Faze, especially how well 100T participated on every division this year

maybe it will change until worlds, TI, and rio major finished

posted about a year ago

almost 200 :o

posted about a year ago

This is why Haaland is clear

posted about a year ago

thank you sir i agree with you

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I rallied lots of fellow indonesian to do some riot

I'll leave my legacy here if i get banned

posted about a year ago

you can do it brother
312 days to go

posted about a year ago

the point of these kind of posts is to give the org pressure of the issue also give them awareness of the consequences from choices that they made. not hate posting. being skeptical would just make them thinking they're on the right

posted about a year ago

look at these new accounts storming just to support thinking this news are good. nice paid actors

posted about a year ago

they are so bad to the point that almost all NA good teams importing players from korea
p.s: look at 100T

also btw fnatic won the first ever worlds so EU isn't that bad compared to NA

posted about a year ago

thats trueee
very sad indeed

posted about a year ago

will thai or vietnam server work? thats like middle

posted about a year ago

no wonder liverpool are losing lately

posted about a year ago

up 150 signed

posted about a year ago

pancada and sacy are beasts
y'all in for a treat

posted about a year ago

nah its not my favorite org. only the val team is.
G2 is my fav org sadly

posted about a year ago

its my 2nd actually
I like motosport more ;))

posted about a year ago

the ceo did explain something
but he never said anything what the "turbulence" is
thats why people are so suspicious

posted about a year ago

I bickered with the guy few couple times and he always took the side with the higher up (riot especially) in a neutral tone (trying to prove himself that he's neutral lol)
its obnoxious as hell

posted about a year ago

yup true

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

thats horrible
its good now you feel better

posted about a year ago

he's been like that most of the times. and I won't be surprised if I get banned sooner or later.

posted about a year ago

its not about being a nationalist
its because rrq disrespecting all the indonesian players that have achieved much more than the current roster

boom dota have a lot of insane players are you kidding me. and they're proven

posted about a year ago

GE looks like have a lot of ambition
cannot say the same to RRQ. they dont even put any effort to get tier 1 local players.
Potentially, GE have more high ceiling to be better.

posted about a year ago

boom deserves it more than anyone
the owner is so passionate towards pc esports
and have ambitions even to pick up tier 1 foreign players just to get better

posted about a year ago

what happened to you bro
heads up <3

posted about a year ago


if they get a win that would mean its a fluke or the other team are just worse

posted about a year ago

133 signed

posted about a year ago

what are the odds
thats like saying the other participated vct teams will do worse

posted about a year ago

black, kfood, soju

posted about a year ago

sorry for correcting but its "dude" not "dud"
if you keep saying that word it means "shit" or "ass"

posted about a year ago

found another shadow account defender

posted about a year ago

hypocrite at its finest

posted about a year ago

this guy is always trying to be neutral (maybe because he works for this goddamn site) but ended up being a hypocrite while pointing out the smaller scale of the issues. embarassing honestly

posted about a year ago

nope not rrq lol
hes just pointing that most scrims are basically toss coin luck

posted about a year ago

how stupid some orgs are to decide roster based on these scrims instead of player's potential and achievements

"Turbulence" he said. more like want to save some budget 😭😭

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

basically g2 + lowel (hopefully)

posted about a year ago

you still can

posted about a year ago

we need to show this clown fiesta to more international scene
so they can see how stupid this is

posted about a year ago

playing a victim card

posted about a year ago

result "kita lingkari tehbotol"

posted about a year ago

i saw some people downvoted this. RRQ shadow accounts acting wildly

posted about a year ago

crazy amount of ppl signed it

posted about a year ago

RRQ have a wild rift division

posted about a year ago
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