Flag: Monaco
Registered: September 12, 2020
Last post: July 20, 2024 at 10:21 AM
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lol better prepare yourself seeing your team lose against sentinels first game

posted 1 month ago

unlucky OCE is in the strongest region
they could've qualified if its in any other region

posted 1 month ago

they're so lucky they didnt get to meet prx

posted 1 month ago

W pacific era starts now

posted 1 month ago

thats like leicester won a premier league

1% possibllity

posted 1 month ago

i blame NA and their fluke wins

posted 1 month ago

we're winning champs

curse is broken, pressure is off, no more expectation as favorites

posted 1 month ago

PRX would've cleared any EMEA teams

posted 1 month ago

NA used a lot of voodoo to PRX i blame them

posted 1 month ago

the voodoo is no more. we're winning champs

posted 1 month ago

t3xture have a better stats but meteor have the most impact kills

i'll still go with s3xture tho

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

dont worry im betting $100 2.10 for TH its for a good cause

posted 1 month ago

its always british or canadians who does this shit

posted 1 month ago

they're back to sleeping while malding now

posted 1 month ago

could say the same to prx's players

but its just other region fans have pacific rent free in their mind

posted 1 month ago

this thread is so funny. classic NA fans so chronically online

posted 1 month ago

turkey is a part of asia so technically if TH wins apac still win

posted 1 month ago

heretics wont pull an FPX script so this should be a win for gen.g. no more NA cinderella run.

i hope its a close game.
GEN 3-2 TH

posted 1 month ago

fpx is actually so unlucky

posted 1 month ago

thats fucked. hope geng win shanghai so they dont need to worry about a rest

posted 1 month ago

no fluke teams allowed, thanks heretics. but its time for pacific trophy now 🏆 (unless you guys pull an FPX script)

posted 1 month ago

NA fans sleeping knowing they sent weaker representative

posted 1 month ago

they might pull an FPX script
but only NA can pull a cinderella run

posted 1 month ago

acting like fnatic didnt get fucked by the format either

posted 1 month ago

Thank you heretics

posted 1 month ago

beating 2 fluke teams in the playoffs with a sub im glad gen.g are facing them in grandfinals

posted 1 month ago

so many good teams throwing makes the competition look so much weaker. format is definitely the problem

posted 1 month ago

jinggg clears when hes free from mental hospital

posted 1 month ago

they will. at least when they win they never look like its a fluke

posted 1 month ago

rent is free

posted 1 month ago

SEN NRG LOUD 100T qualify
i'm calling it rn

posted 1 month ago

talked too much again

posted 2 months ago

tatum isnt even celtics best player its derrick white's team 😭

posted 2 months ago

hes getting his ring now after getting robbed his mvp

posted 2 months ago

g2 got away with too much with scrappy wins lol this is their usual performance

posted 2 months ago

congratulations sir

posted 2 months ago

i need to see fnatic and 100T play first before i say anything.
valorant is a random momentum game nobody cant predict shit

posted 2 months ago

watched dp and dropped it wasnt cup of my tea

i need something brutal action. kdrama tends to censored violence stuff. so lame

most of the stuff i like are either survival or zombies but only my name is about gangster/mafia

posted 2 months ago

my name is dope af

rare mafia plot with uncensored gore

posted 2 months ago

move to heaven is peak must watch

posted 2 months ago

i hope theres a confirmation about the format from riot cus that is so stupid

that makes all the matches before split 2 become less relevant

posted 2 months ago

thats exactly why i said "whats the point of champs pts if its a qualifiers"

riot stupid system i swear

posted 2 months ago

thats even worse. if its 10 games to every team then NRG also need to consider KRU and LEV pts

posted 2 months ago

NRG have 6 matches in group to get points. same as c9. that requires NRG to win 2 more games than c9 just tie with them. Also KRU and G2 both also have 6 games. they need to win 3 more games than them too in groups just to tie.

posted 2 months ago

i genuinely love his stream but theres no chance hes keeping up with his streaming brand if he goes pro. hes about to leap as the same level as tarik but now hes gone pro

posted 2 months ago

1/2: SEN/100T (9 Points)
3/4/5: LEV/KRÜ/G2 (6 Points)
6: C9 (5 Points)
7: NRG <- they are here (3 Points)

if riot makes split 2 work as qualifiers then whats the point of champions points

posted 2 months ago

dude making banks while streaming and watch partying and decide to go pro again for a team that statistically has no chance to qualify for champs. cmon man be smarter

posted 2 months ago

insane ratio to these NRG delulu fans

posted 2 months ago
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