Flag: India
Registered: October 3, 2021
Last post: May 6, 2024 at 4:56 AM
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I know there are a Lot of racist people on this site but I really want a master's event to be hosted in India. The popularity of game is good here I know VCL SA viewership is in gutters but it's because no one wants to watch T2 games And We all know OGT will win VCL SA. But alot Indians Admire People from NA, EMEA and even from PACIFIC.
And India can host a event , India will be hosting ICC World Cup this year and the management is good. And I heard that Riot bring their own Production team to the hosting country for a smooth broadcast

posted about a year ago

I don't know about other players in Orangutan's female roster but Casper is one player who mostly carries her team to victory.
She has be performing well almost every game and top Frags playing controller.
Being that good and people don't praise her Rather start praising SkRossi

posted about a year ago

And I Alfajer's Clutch Both Aspas And Cauzin made the mistake they lined up for Alfa . It's their mistake not Talking each other's trade.

posted about a year ago

I never knew Rotating to other site Instead of Taking straight up aim duel being low is not considered fair

posted about a year ago

What do you think is the best Clutches in every situation
Best 1v1 - Derke Vs Aspas Lockin Finals
Best 1v2 - Alfajer vs Aspas and Cauzin Lockin Finals
Best 1v3 - Ardis 1v3 DRX / Enzo 1v3 LEV
Best 1v4 - Sugetsu 1v4 PRX Masters Copenhagen
Best 1v5 - Eeiu 1v5 the Gaurd NA challengers

posted about a year ago

Ayrin has the highest no. Frenzy kills in all 3 Leagues . I don't know about stinger

posted about a year ago

So here is my list for best player on each gun

Classic :- M80 Eeiu
Shorty :- PRX Something
Frenzy :- GE Ayrin
Ghost :- 100T Derrek
Sherrif :- NAVI Suygetsu
Stinger :- NRG SOM/ VICTOR
Spectre :-
Judge :- C9 Vanity / (INDO raze player Idk his name)
Bucky :- 100T steel
Bulldog :-
Gaurdian :- TL Scream
Phantom :- 100T Bang/ GMB Nats (His prime)
Vandal :- LOUD Less
Marshel :- Sen TenZ (His prime )
Operator:- Optic Yay / LOUD ASPAS
Ares :- Sinatra
Odin :- LOUD Cauzin
Knife :-

Please fill the blanks can't think of those .

posted about a year ago

So since the Off season is almost 5 months long and there will be Off Season events , do you think is it better for lower level teams to play those events to build more synergy.
So As of in India , I know there will be shit ton on Off season Invitational events by Multiple TO where they will invite SEA teams , so will it better for teams like GE , TLN, RRQ and TS to play these events and build more synergy. Or will it be better for them to prac in silence not showing what changes they are making

posted about a year ago

What you guys think of Having a Scope on Gaurdian. Like a Marshel scope on Gaurdian. It will act as a DMR and might help when u have money to buy gaurdian but not enough to buy a operator

posted about a year ago

Kayo Ult can be easily counter. It only supress enemies in a targetted range. Teams Counter it by playing cypher and cypher can play opp side so that his traps still work and The player anchoring can use it . Also Sova can throw a cross Map recon dart to help his teammate to anchor.

posted about a year ago

I don't know why but riots ability to add good news agents is decreasing day by day. Like From adding agents like Chamber , Killjoy , Kayo , fade which define meta to adding agents like Harbour and Gekko

Ok I know Harbour Got some pick on some maps But you can't say Harbour is dominating the meta it's the viper Harbour Combo and Current Killjoy is the only agent which is dominating the meta.

posted about a year ago

What is the worst and Best Ultimate ability for each category of Agents :-
For me

Best :- Jett / raze
Worst :- Reyna

Sentinal :-
Best :- Killjoy
Worst : Cypher (cypher's ultimate is weakest compared to other Sentinal but still decent though)

Controller :-
Best :- Viper / Harbour
Worst :- Omen ( Pros only use Omen's ult to get info while cosmic Divide can be used to retakes )

Initiator :-
Best :- Skye / Breech
Worst :- Gekko (Gekko has to be the worst Initiator agent in the game )

Edit :- To all the People saying u I put Skye ult in best category it's just because the ult is more versatile, it can be used to open a site and To retake as it gives position of the enemies . Also Skye Ult is best for mid rounding as It can Get information is u are pushing in a stack or a free site .
Also I am only taking about ults in VCT matches

posted about a year ago

PRX are not Insane . You will see in Tokyo. They win in APAC coz no team in APAC can win aim duel against Jingg , Forsaken and Something. They always choke in international events. The only international event they had some success is Copenhagen coz Even PRX were running decent Chamber comps

posted about a year ago

That's Paper Rex That comp won't work against LOUD or FNC or NRG or Liquid . Those teams have enough fire power to fight PRX.

posted about a year ago

No But Pearl got Some map changes also In the beginning teams used to run no duelist comp on Pearl but recently the map shifted to Harbour Viper comp with Spam Plants but ascent it's just same 5 agents dominating the agent Composition since 2021

posted about a year ago

I don't know what you guy think but for me Ascent is most boring map to watch in VCT. All teams Run the exact same comp on that map nothing new . Though being a Good map to play on , it's very boring to see same Agents running on that map.
I thought Hevan is also similar but recently teams have show different style of plays and agents composition on that map but Ascent Same Meta comp from 2021.
Either new Sentinal agent or some map changes can save ascent

posted about a year ago

Now as they lost a series to a Team, it's now time to see how they bounce back in Master Tokyo. Their player quality is insane and they can reset from this loss every quickly. I think now as they have lost regional Title , They will prepare hard for Tokyo .

posted about a year ago

Why LOUD got 2 ban While NRG didn't get any competitive Penalty to NRG ?

posted about a year ago

Prism Phantom is famous coz of Nats I guess

posted about a year ago

Name the skin which is famous coz Of a pro player
I'll start :-
Derke- Glitchpop Vandal Red varient
Sinatra - Oni phantom Green Varient
Suygetsu- Prelude to chaos Blue varient
TenZ - Reaver vandal Red Varient

posted about a year ago

Do you guys think the chamber buffs are sufficient enough in pro play and even in ranked . I think People will start picking chamber in Ranked atleast for maps like Bind and split but in VCT matches I don't think he will played since his TP is so punishable. And The Trap range is still Trash

posted about a year ago

Nobody thought in the start of the league that this team will be a contender for Masters and Champ spot but mad props to them for being the dark horse . I hope they qualify for Tokyo.

posted about a year ago

Fnatic Looks Unstoppable this year. The only Problem they have is having best players on each role. I hope no ego clash come in that team.

posted about a year ago

It's between NRG , C9 and Furia.
Furia is the least favoured against these teams but who know What will happen .
Most likely NRG will qualify for Tokyo.

posted about a year ago

He won atleast 2 gun rounds by getting 3ks from that spot .

posted about a year ago

Is vertical Boosting ur teammate to a angle allowed in VCT. I saw Com playing on High box at showers entrance to site. He was playing Viper so surely some boosted him to that angle

posted about a year ago

Can someone tell me why he is not allowed to play in Tokyo?
I am not aware of his situation

posted about a year ago

So in current Fnatic Roster Boaster is the weakest link i mean everyone says His Mid round is one of the worst compared to other IGLs at his level. So If we swap Boaster with FNS will Fnatic be unbeatable?


posted about a year ago

So these are the meta comps on Each map what changes u think will teams make in Tokyo

Ascent :- (KJ , JETT , KAYO , SOVA , OMEN)
changes for me - Skye for Kayo and Potential sova For Fade but only sova Ult can break KJ ult

Hevan :- Jett , Breech , Omen , Sova , KJ
Changes :- Cant think off best comp TBH

Pearl : Jett , Skye , Viper , Harbour , KJ
Changes :- Cypher for KJ coz the lock down spot not that good and Cypher can be more useful in holding B lurk

Fracture :- Jett/ Raze , Skye , Breech , Brim , KJ
Changes for me :- Breech for fade coz Fade haunt is soo good on this map.

Lotus :- Viper , Harbour/Omen , Skye , KJ , Jett/Raze .

posted about a year ago

Will you still doubt your IGL for not getting good amount of Kills even if he manages to call in a certain way where he Shuts down the best player in the League
Aspas Had only 1 Bad game in the entire Americas League and It was against NRG coz FNS calling was so on point.

posted about a year ago

Coz of chamber meta and PRX were running decent comps on most maps in Master Copenhagen. The most Ass comp was on Bind and Breeze only and FPX destroyed their bind in Finals.

posted about a year ago

Under screams IGLing Just make his team play sherrifs only

posted about a year ago

Why this teams only dominate in APAC and when it comes to international stage , every EU/NA team can roll them. I think the major factor for PRX winning in APAC is there is no team in Pacific region that can outaim Jing Forsaken and Something's aim.

See suygetsu's 1v4 PRX in Master Copenhagen.
Suygetsu's just dry swinged Jing and Forsaken and Killed both them in single peak and this is our 2 best aimers in APAC.

posted about a year ago

Alecks Really I will tell u how he picks PRX comps. He played ranked at night and the let PRX play same comps with which he won in Ranked. PRX is doomed outside APAC. The only reason y they Dominate coz nobody except DRX can Beat the aim of Jing and Forsaken(Add something too) .

posted about a year ago

What are u ok. 1st of all It doesn't matter about any Country. Secondly if u consider PRX as MY/SG then it is getting carried by "Imports" from Indonesia and Russia.

posted about a year ago

He is the most Ass caster

posted about a year ago

Victor has to be the best Flex player in VCT. He plays almost all type of Agents. From controller to Sentinal to Duelist.
Chronicles though being a good Flex player but his Raze/duelist is not that good compared to Victor.

posted about a year ago

But they don't create hype in clutch rounds. They are more analytical based casters.

posted about a year ago

It has to be Sideshow and Bren. Most of the clutches they have casted brings so much hype.

Suygetsu's 1v4 PRX
Alfa 1v2 Loud
Enzo 1v3 LEV
RB 1v4 Optic with insane spray transfer.

Doug and Balla are also good but Bren and sideshow's casting is fucking insane

posted about a year ago

Doug is a really good caster and Balla Is the perfect duo for him. Doug brings the hype and Balla smoothly carries it forward

posted about a year ago

Yaa But the casting wasn't that good. Aspas 1v4 against Optic on Bin was also good by Pansy.

posted about a year ago

Same Reason Y I put him on this list. He played good against GenG and TLN , Decent against DFM and Had 1 good map against PRX rest are nightmare. He was the 1st one to die every round

posted about a year ago

Ban plays Controller for most maps for T1 I Said Duelist player

posted about a year ago

Bro Keznit is carrying Kru on his Back

posted about a year ago

Ya But in front of teams From Americas and EMEA they look lost. The only good run they had was in Copenhagen coz chamber was in meta and they were running Forsaken's Chamber on most maps.

posted about a year ago

Ya But in front of teams From Americas and EMEA they look lost. The only good run they had was in Copenhagen coz chamber was in meta and they were running Forsaken's Chamber on most maps.

posted about a year ago

How this team Manages to beat Top teams in Apac
with troll ranked comps.
Like the only team Where Paper Rex looks Lost is against DRX.

posted about a year ago

Na I am Fnatic Fan

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Autocorrect dude I wrote "He"

posted about a year ago
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