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Registered: September 18, 2021
Last post: October 4, 2023 at 3:19 PM
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Whoever thinks pansy is biased is a retard and have 0 braincells. You feel she's biased because you are biased and it's not your fault rly it's the production, they always make sure Doug and balla are there for NA matches and no one dickrides harder than them. If non NA team wins a round then it's NA's own mistakes and miscommunication but if NA wins then 100 percent credit to them. They've ALWAYS been doing it, the way you felt about pansy we all felt it about those 2. Tbh you can say it's because of viewership, the matches are according to y'all and so is the casting. The is the first time ever you felt it because it's first time ever where there's a superteam which is not in NA and ofc they dropped like 3 maps in the whole year so ofcourse they're perfect and they have viewership from UK so she does that. If you apply a little bit brain you might understand why

posted 9 months ago

Can't even win lcq and talking shit

posted 9 months ago

Isn't he right? How is it racist to call someone Asian when they roots in Asia.

posted 9 months ago

Right maps but wrong order still a dub. Tho

posted 9 months ago

Lot of teams don't like haven. I remember gambit had their perma ban as haven and they considered it throw map but they still won against envy in the finals on that map tho

posted 9 months ago

No because optic is free

posted 9 months ago

How will eg win without fracture or pearl

posted 9 months ago

The only truth they'll learn is after losing that final in 2021, he never gave up and grinded and will be the only igl to win 2 finals back to back. He absolutely bodied every team he met, sen, 100t, nrg,prx

posted 9 months ago

How is him choosing to leave fpx their fault lmao

posted 9 months ago

We don't need to import, we have history, more trophies. The teams who import are actually region where talent lacks. That's you see russian players playing in apac, that's why yall imported ardiis dephh ec1s enghh and wippie

posted 9 months ago

No I'm saying he's thinking about him and he's on his mind constantly because of the weight he carries

posted 9 months ago

Yeah because he's fat

posted 9 months ago

Boaster and derke didn't go all through the roster changes for a lock in trophy. This roster deserves back to back trophies to establish dominance. This roster dropped 3 maps so far this year( on LAN)

posted 9 months ago

That's why they bodied optic

posted 9 months ago

Zombs has the best pr team ngl. Bro talked shit when he was winning, barely won after the tech pause. Shit talked a whole ass region, got flamed by the BR community, talked about being the richest or top 5 richest Valo player, got benched, blamed his igl for stuff and the next time he attended a Lan was not as a player and it was in Brazil. Ended up taking a picture 🤓🤓 and is irrelevant now to the scene. All he does is flexes watches and cars like bro make it to a team or lan first

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

Ofc that's why they like them

posted 9 months ago

True but he's good on clutches

posted 9 months ago

No they both have one loss

posted 10 months ago

This is not grand finals lil bro

posted 10 months ago

Fnatic in lockin finals - man I hope loud wins it, they look so good
Fnatic in masters finals - I hope prx wins it
Fnatic in first masters finals - I hope NA wins ofc
Fpx in finals - man I hope prx wins it

posted 10 months ago

You NA fans are so delusional. Doug and balla always do it and even more blatantly. You're just noticing now because the support is on other side for a change and that's only because they're the best team in the world.

posted 10 months ago

Big viewership regions/teams always getting appreciated when winning and when losing it's an upset. Watch any past NA valorant matches where Doug and balla are casting, they cover up own team mistakes and even make it like NA's mistakes why they didn't play well but they don't give props for smaller teams. This has been happening since the start, people are just noticing now because fnatic has been absolutely amazing since last event. The only time they dropped maps last event where during finals and the only map they've dropped so far is against EG. Its just that people are so used to NA getting biased casting, for one time where EMEA team is actually big in terms of org wise or viewership wise, they decided to take their side. If you were fine with it in the past or never even noticed it in the past then you shouldn't be talking now

posted 10 months ago

Yeah almost like they're the best team. No?

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

He did okay imo. Yay really started popping off way more as a chamber than a Jett. But if it's a Jett battle demon 1 clears yay

posted 10 months ago

They also lost champs finals where he underperformed

posted 10 months ago

Bro said boostio kekw

posted 10 months ago

Bad lunch Is crazy

posted 10 months ago

VCT Americas is the premier League and VCT EMEA is La Liga. Lan events are champions league and most champions league are always owned by la Liga teams.

posted 10 months ago

Have to fix cned issue as well

posted 10 months ago

-zmjjkk + something

posted 10 months ago

I'm rooting for liquid and Navi ( if fnatic wins this event) or else I'm going back to fnatic for champs.

posted 10 months ago

Na was undefeated on pearl until today

posted 10 months ago

No way fnatic lose more than 1 map in finals. Eg has no experience they'll shiver on stage likewise fnatic gave always been the designated chokers but after that came back from 3-11 they look so good

posted 10 months ago

That was during group stage and the first major team they ever faced on LAN. After that the only match they've lost on lan is in the finals of champs( winning it all from group stages of Berlin till the end of champions)

posted 10 months ago

Delusional, the chamber meta isn't there bro wake up

posted 10 months ago

Som said it's on him and ethos said atleast he knows

posted 10 months ago

You're right there was no coming back from that

posted 10 months ago

Already qualified kekw

posted 10 months ago

I'm saying NA was fluke because 3 of EMEA teams went through shit. But here all the teams from Americas are doing just fine. If prx loses 0-3 then I'd agree it became easier for them but tbf fnatic gave very less rounds to prx and if eg also loses to prx then it pretty much means fnatic has beat every team in top 4 comfortably. So idk how you're getting all these excuses from

posted 10 months ago

Lmao exactly

posted 10 months ago

AM didn't exist in 2022, it was NA v BR

posted 10 months ago

So you're saying when NA won EMEA teams had issues. So when fnatic are winning why are you bringing up other regions? Nrg lost to prx with a sub and if eg loses too and if fnatic wins then fnatic would win 2 times over the teams where you lost to. So idk what you're saying here

posted 10 months ago

Valo2asia twitch and eSports gg valorant on yt

posted 10 months ago

The only stupid part of the question was if they're gonna fix it before champs, I mean ofc they will. The interviewer had an observation that crashies being initator was being the first guy to die, which she later on explains that initiators are supposed to stay alive until the end to make sure your team can have enough plays. She just asked if it was their own team mistakes or if prx did something to counter it. For context Leo played 192 round so far and has 2 first deaths.

posted 10 months ago

No that's probably a joke but the real drama is crashies was asked a question on why he was dying first? If it was opponents counter or own team mistakes and bro says uhh I never really like baiting but I guess I should start. Idk who he's throwing shade at fns or ardiis

posted 10 months ago

Nats clears for sure but Alfa has better team and he can play raze

posted 10 months ago

Too much ego

posted 10 months ago
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