Flag: Brazil
Registered: May 24, 2023
Last post: June 5, 2024 at 8:50 AM
Posts: 565
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Dude riot games does not give a shit to it, their main goal is to sell skins and make americas and china look good. When will you understand that they dont care about what you think, they dont care about humans at all.
Stop thinking that you can change this by making a post on vlr.
Riot wants you to eat shit.

posted 1 month ago

Yes, fortnite better.

posted 1 month ago

China owns riot even if chinese people poop on riot they wont care cuz china has them and this shit vlrdot gg website on a leashe

posted 1 month ago

Aspas I want fortnite v bucks

posted 2 months ago

Based, also a man who thinks women are not good should not worry, because if they are bad they are not a threat.

posted 2 months ago

Tuyz as duelist
Pancada as smoke
In Loud

posted 2 months ago

Is if the play againt each other. Because then of of then has to win.

posted 2 months ago

Por que mulher sempre quer dar uma lacradinha.
Mds só cala a boca.
Perde quieto e ganha quieto tbm.

posted 2 months ago

Does anyone knows where that house that appears in the beggining of every episode is?

posted 3 months ago

Quem foi o genio que achou qo havoc seria uma boa escolha? Kkkkkkk

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

I agree with you, last stream I watched he was blaming his wife because he died.
He used to be humble when he was poor but now that he is rich he is very trash and toxic.

posted 3 months ago

Cara vc é retardado mental em achar que um time que tem o panc vai ter sucesso.
Sinto muito mas em qualquer time que essse cara se encontre esta fadado ao fracasso. Aindamais com o dg junto

posted 4 months ago

1 round

posted 4 months ago

Dude is 23, looks like 47 💀

posted 4 months ago

Shine! Also go to coreano's live stream and present your self as julia.

posted 4 months ago

Lorenzo como se sente quando colocam as provas na sua cara? Frustrado? Kkkkkk
Eu particularmente nao gosto do sacy, mas eu amo ver uns otarios qnem voce que se acham os sabichoes sendo provado ao contrário. Que delicia.

posted 4 months ago

I dai? Deixa os cara perder um camp ou outro. Vcs torcedores querem q os cara ganhem todas quando ficam em 2 lugar ja vao xingar e falar mau. Poh deixa a asia ganhar uma ou a europa NA. Os caras da loud nao sao perfeitos como voces imaginam.
Nao tem q trocar jogador. Torcedor torce quando ta ganhando e quando esta perdendo.

posted 4 months ago

Google search:
Is China in Asia-Pacific?
The APAC region is also home to some of the world's most populous countries. China is the most populous nation in the Asia-Pacific region.

Its like having a kick off only for brazilian teams

posted 4 months ago

Hes nice kkkkkkkkk

posted 4 months ago

Sim você é lunatico.

posted 4 months ago

Not as much as NA people. They were hating since last night.

posted 4 months ago

Sua sensação não vale nada.

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

Aspas not making into masters
Sacy probably not making too kkkkkkkk
Gringos crying about loud facing eg
How can I be more happy today?

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

I think mibr has a chance 5 + pistol

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

I mean for 1 team to win it has to win twice right?
What if every team loses 1 time. What happens?

posted 4 months ago

Didnt make out of groups kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

That reminded ne of:
"The gods of olimpus have abandoned me"

posted 4 months ago

Vou voltar aqui so pra rir de ti
Vou dar uma risadiha adiantada

posted 4 months ago

Vai perder sempre

posted 4 months ago

E precisava sair do brasil?

posted 4 months ago

Fodase a sentinels sacy é um bosta merece ta na quele lixonels
Sentinels nao é e nunca vai ser Brasil.

posted 4 months ago

For me aspas is a dumb ass dude.
He said that he didnt left loud because of money.
So if wasnt for the money why not stay in a brazilian team?
For me thas crocodilagem.
"E vai perder sempre"

posted 4 months ago

Aspas who?

posted 4 months ago

Nice jinx

posted 4 months ago

Quem numca mijou na pia?

posted 5 months ago

Concordo a mulher do saad sempre semetendo nas coisas tipo nao tem cuzinha na sua caza? Pedi pro saad comprar um fogao e vende a maquina de lavar louça.

posted 5 months ago

Yes there is, thats how people make trackers.
Go to riot games developers. Not easy to get one tho.

posted 5 months ago

Ofc hes average american size

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

Coma salada.

posted 5 months ago

Sen = shit

posted 5 months ago

Isso pq o igl monstro é Argentino. Ou seja Brazil suckks

posted 5 months ago

Gringos de merda.

posted 5 months ago
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