Country: Brazil
Registered: December 9, 2021
Last post: October 6, 2023 at 11:26 PM
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ai é foda

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

lover of the uncle sam

posted 11 months ago

he really said that i can confirm but i forgot where i saw that i don't remember if it was ina stream or in a news

posted 11 months ago

she made the team

posted 11 months ago

tentei ver o jogo da loud x kru o cara n parava d falar mal do valorant, uma hora enche o saco essa paranoia do mch...ele falando ''nossa o valorant não respeita física nenhuma, o cara abre rasgando um cara segurando o ângulo'' eu n jogo cs, mas vejo isso nos camps toda hora qnd assisto kkkkkkkkkkkkk

posted 11 months ago

viaja pra porra, primeiro q ngm tomou lado, só falaram a vdd:
Ambiente competitivo é ambiente de pressão
e outra:
qm q n é bagre e q tomou o lado do less?

posted 11 months ago

sacy asked them to do gym

posted 11 months ago

pelo seu esforço eu acredito em vc

posted 11 months ago

vc q disse, vc q prova

posted 11 months ago

i didn't understand too i personally thought that was due my english

posted 11 months ago

informações tiradas do cu

posted 11 months ago

Cade a prova do q vc disse? '''sacy disse q o less não perdou ele'' prova?

Where is the proof of what you said? "Sacy said that Less didn't forgive him" proof?

posted 11 months ago

Aspas, when he was ending his last stream, said that he didn't see much of what was occurring and that he didn't know the details. He concluded by saying, 'I just want to say that Sacy helped me a lot in and out of the game. Good night to you guys.

posted 11 months ago

Looks like Less is being a bit hypocritical here. He used to say that getting scolded and held accountable by Sacy and the team made him a better player, and everyone praised him for having that attitude. The team even showed it off in videos! Plus, they had a psychologist on their side. So why is Less now whining about Sacy's methods? Come on, the team wouldn't let Sacy be a jerk to them, and the fans used to love seeing these methods in action.


posted 11 months ago

It was much more him demanding from Less and the others about their mistakes, what they failed to do, their communication. However, Sacy is very serious, he is not playful like Saadhak, for example, and Sacy has always been like that, he never hid it

posted 11 months ago

less said in a video from loud channel that the old line up was really toxic and he lacked with confidence and his psychological were people associate it with sacy sacy he was toxic and would do that again...He was constantly seen in videos being harsh with less, aspas, pancadas and everyone and he said in a live stream way back that loud didn't show half of how he scold the team....he never tried to hide it so the kid loud fans are only getting mad at him because he is not at the team anymore.

posted 11 months ago

less said in a video from loud channel that the old line up was really toxic and he lacked with confidence and his psychological were people associate it with sacy sacy he was toxic and would do that again...He was constantly seen in videos being harsh with less, aspas, pancadas and everyone and he said in a live stream way back that loud didn't show half of how he scold the team....he never tried to hide it so the kid loud fans are only getting mad at him because he is not at the team anymore.

posted 11 months ago

less said in a video from loud channel that the old line up was really toxic and he lacked with confidence and his psychological were people associate it with sacy sacy he was toxic and would do that again...He was constantly seen in videos being harsh with less, aspas, pancadas and everyone and he said in a live stream way back that loud didn't show half of how he scold the team....he never tried to hide it so the kid loud fans are only getting mad at him because he is not at the team anymore.

posted 11 months ago

he needs a better team and leviathan needs a better duelist

posted 11 months ago

sim cara, a furia ta entregando round eco desde o lock in e é culpa dos torcedores, sim, confia kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

posted 11 months ago

time lixo merece perder q se foda

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

give me one name that klopp did that

posted 11 months ago

most of the big streamers are like this....that's why there a lot of trolls and haters in these live streams because people knows it's the easy way to get their attettion.

posted 11 months ago

He said there is no problem with people screaming, but people calling out names, such as screaming the positions of players on the map, is not cool because it can be picked up by the microphone and heard (he said 'you can hear it'). Therefore, he is against shouting out specific calls during matches. He also suggested that Riot should give a warning to the crowd before the matches.

posted 11 months ago

sera q foi por causa de terem invadido a conta bancaria da naxy?

posted 11 months ago

when boaster won a champions we can have this debate right

posted 11 months ago

é impressionante como o heat caiu de níve slk, apesar de pouco resultado internacional, ao meu ver em habilidade pura era par a par com o yay, ele jogando contra a optic (envy) e contra a acend bicho amssava mt, agora o reflexo parece q sumiu, e ñ é de hj, bizarro

posted 11 months ago

check murizz brain

posted 11 months ago

estranho kkkkkkk a galera curtia mt ela

posted 11 months ago

alias, eu nem sabia q a evelyn tinha saido, sabe oq rolou?

posted 11 months ago

pior q nem to reclamando, apesar d n ter curtido mt, achava q ela fosse entrevistadora

posted 11 months ago

talvez os narradores tenham ficado sobrecarregados, eu tbm achava q a belly fosse entrevistadora

posted 11 months ago

pergunta honesta

posted 11 months ago

que round feio mano kkkkkkkkkkkkkk q porra um kayo come smoke e sai sem fzr uma bang?

posted 11 months ago

Eu concordo, especialmente que as duas line ups foram bem feitas, eu questiono o IGL do murizz mas vai por quem no lugar? não há ninguém melhor.
a furia e a mibr tem firepower e tem possibilidade de terem um time bem estruturado, mas acho que esse hype todo é muito forçado, como vc disse mal começou o campeonato, furia e mibr tem que se PROVAR muito, ganhar 1 vez de times bom não singifica nada se tu perde pra times que são considerados ''menos fortes''.

posted 11 months ago

sim, mas não estão a frente de nenhum dos americanos kkkkkkkkk, com exceção da loud.

posted 11 months ago

eu concordo q os times brs melhoraram especialmente a furia, mas qm viu eles jogar sabe q vão passar sufuco pra grande parte dos times, n vão ser dominantes q nem a loud, a unica coisa q mudou é q eles tem chances iguais de perder/ganhar, sem favoritismo, ao meu ver.

posted 11 months ago

ele fica postando toda hora q tamo colonizando americas, q os times br são os melhores (eu concordo só com a loud), o resto dos times br melhoraram mas não são nem perto d serem favoritos contra ql quer adversário, talvez seja 50/50

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

to be honest taco doesn't even seem like a duelist he is more of tatical player who happens to be the duelist...

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

sério? to viajando então

posted 11 months ago

sorte q eu fui banido do chat br, chamei o mnds de leoncio num jogo contra a tbk q ele tava dando trashtalk

posted 11 months ago

i think sacy tried to ''teach them'' how he used to play ascent with loud but i doubt it was due to sacy i think it was more of saadhak's igling than any other thing.

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

1 - they were already off the bomb
2 - tuyz didn't know he got dc

posted 11 months ago

because the dc

posted 11 months ago
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