Country: Germany
Registered: April 28, 2022
Last post: August 13, 2023 at 6:08 AM
Posts: 84
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hoody - lmao, hoody duelist didnt work, they tried once already. Hoody is best as flex

mixwell - mixwell is washed, he should become a streamer fulltime

monsterr - how do you get monster out of acend? and he doesnt play flex, he plays sentinel

Zeek - fair enough

Koldementa - how do you get him out of Guild? and why would he downgrade

posted about a year ago

Order did well and they will come back stronger next year:
you should stop supporting them, order will never do anything on an international scale, so save yourswlf them tears and stop supporting them...

posted about a year ago

lol, ju

posted about a year ago

wtf why, bean and egg my fav caster duo

posted about a year ago

I hope Acend can qualify to champions, but that will be really hard, when there will be competition like Liquid, G2, Guild, M3C...

posted about a year ago

I agree, but ardiis stats inflated a little bit, he getting so many exit frags

posted about a year ago

well, that would be deserved NA v NA and even if both lost, that wouldnt mean that they would meet, since there are 2 more teams in lowers. SO yeah, it would have been possible for both NA teams to get eliminated without playing each other...

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Another fat rito L:
Why is the seeding so bad. It literally happens every tournament. My only explanation is that they want an NA team in upper semi finals.
Like why couldnt we get
Optic v Fnatic and FPX v XSET instead of Fnatic v FPX and XSET v Optic...

posted about a year ago

nah not really. prowler often miss tragets behind corners, and have short range.

posted about a year ago

NIP are just bad

posted about a year ago

no lol, just wanted to show off the bug

posted about a year ago

was immortal cypher one trick last act

posted about a year ago

I was playing Viper on Breeze and then this happened:

posted about a year ago

get a job

posted about a year ago

Stewie2K? he is really known for arrogance and bad attitude in CS:GO. YOu really dont want someone like him on your team

posted about a year ago

starxo has been good all tournament, just bad series today.
But even if vakk stats arent looking too bad, you can tell that he is very uncomfortable playing in this tier...

posted about a year ago

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posted about a year ago

Well, we all know that Cypher needs a buff, not a big one, but atleast a small one.
I have a few suggestions, that riot might like.

So, lets start with his ult. In my opinion, its good to have a character, that doesnt have a strong ult, that doesnt need to grab ult orbs, so more is left for other characters. SO lets keep his ult how it is.

suggestions 1: a third cage
Explanation: Cyphers most versatile ability is his cage. Giving him a third one would make him more flexible. So for example you could use two cages for one-way setups in defense and one for retaking.

Suggestion 2: Reduce the stun time of cyphers trips
Explanation: For example if the time to stun is 1 second, the trip kills, IF someone runs into the trip, will be more consistent. It makes enemies respect the trips more and forces them to look for them when entrying

Suggestion 3: Make cyphers traps loader
Explanation: Fade can deafen someone, so I thought a good buff would be to make the static sound of the cage louder when an enemy is in the cypher cage. Make it loud enough, so its hard to hear whats happening on the outside. so you can reposition, without the enemy being able to hear it. That would make enemies respect the cages. It would also give cypher a new dimension of not only being able to collect info, but also cut info for the enemies.

What do you think about those buff suggestions?

posted about a year ago

damn, this is almost like I think its going to happen, but I think Liquid will beat Guild. Guild doesnt perform in playoffs, Liquid will be better

posted about a year ago

Viper takes the sentinel role in this comp, while omen/brim is the main smoker. dont forget, viper has wall you cant push + mollies you shouldnt push, very sentinel like utility

posted about a year ago

and, do you guys agree now with me?

posted about a year ago

lol, thats actually hilarious

posted about a year ago

The 3 teams that survive group A in EMEA, will also qualify for copenhagen.
That would probably be: Fnatic, FPX, Acend
I think Liquid, M3C and Guild all looking very weak rn

posted about a year ago

wow and that in 2022

posted about a year ago

riot should make it like in cs:go: that you can have different skins for attack and defense.
(+): players with multiple knifes can flex
(+): because more players can flex, probably the rich players gonna buy more

(-) riot has to code 10 lines of code


posted about a year ago

im sorry, but im not familiar with the application process for foreigners. I only know its possible, thats all i know

posted about 2 years ago

I am doing my M.Sc. in chemistry currently.

posted about 2 years ago
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