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Registered: August 31, 2021
Last post: June 9, 2024 at 2:23 AM
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loud arent gonna save strats they wanna beat nrg saying anything else disrespects the players on loud, fnatic arent saving starts c9 arent saving starts navi is playing yoru and drx arent saving strats, just cause they are losing doesn't mean they arent trying or are saving strats

posted about a year ago

no lmao

posted about a year ago

his raze is the only reason they have rounds at all

posted about a year ago

good analysis of 2+years of games in 1 paragraph tg must pay you a lot to coach for them

posted about a year ago

NO THAT IS A MINOR (i think idk when his birthday is but he's pretty close enough to 17 lil bro)

posted about a year ago

losing to lev and loud, both games they really really could've won fucked em first

posted about a year ago

like who nature?

posted about a year ago

are you sure? imma need a source here cause I'm pretty sure its head to head

posted about a year ago

hes been an igl in faze

posted about a year ago

time with a consistent roster and coach and igl just hasn't been given to him lmao

posted about a year ago

hate him cause hes better than you or what?

posted about a year ago

its on when it really matters ig

posted about a year ago

i agree with him

posted about a year ago

what did rob do to become the problem? syyko sure that's fair but we looked so good that week we literally almost beat loud, not saying that's related to syyko or anything. tenz was injured and sick so he stepped down marved stepped in rob didn't bench tenz, and dephh stepped down mutually as far as we know so rob didn't fire him either

posted about a year ago

he was at the bottom on map 1 and 3 against lev but he was on viper sooo

posted about a year ago

why are you possibly right

posted about a year ago

cope harder plz you aint trying enough

posted about a year ago

you know dephh left and didnt get fired right? as far as we know at least that what it seems like he stepped down

posted about a year ago

yo why we gotta always blame someone just let the team play and support them doing their best under constantly bad circumstances blaming someone every game doesn't do anything

posted about a year ago

would you rather lose? just support the team you claim to support or change flair lil bro

posted about a year ago

better than losing to EG any day

posted about a year ago

yeah both really good players why is this thread here tho

posted about a year ago

he just won em the last OT round keep talking

posted about a year ago

first ever of all time babysasuke w wtf who stole bros account

posted about a year ago

real mibr dream roster:

posted about a year ago

yay clear (s)

posted about a year ago

if m80 drop koala and pick up yay or tg drop tex and pick up yay do yall think yay being yay would make them better or is there a chance the synergy is off, I can see him joining tg tbh

posted about a year ago

they won 2-0 what losing are you talking about?

posted about a year ago

get Joji and Sir Knighten on that playlist too

posted about a year ago

frenzy but 35 bullets cost 400 and does 150 dmg leg shot 5 body shot and 12 headshot

posted about a year ago

yes i agree i understand your point now

posted about a year ago

because its vlr

posted about a year ago

its never "that easy" and it never will be, people cant just decide to help him and he magically gets better

posted about a year ago

first of all purer and mummay were cracked but not top jetts, and penny having literally one good tournament and not even qualifying for lcq for anything else ever other than 2021 iceland which they didn't even place above top 5-6 in, so no better than this challengers 1 in 2022, doesn't make him super consistent or a top jett in NA, he's still a talented player but he wasn't a top jett

posted about a year ago

super consistent but didnt make anything above top 6? there are many better jetts not that he's bad but there are many better ones, cryo saya yay bdog jawg leaf tenz and more probably have all had better results tbh one good tournament then falling off the face of the earth ain't consistent he had one good tournament sure but one good tournament doesnt make a top jett

posted about a year ago

barley they are right next to each other, and yay played more rounds because they actually won smth

posted about a year ago

no he wasnt

posted about a year ago

"we" didnt ask for your opinion

posted about a year ago

hate much?

posted about a year ago

what is bro talking about

posted about a year ago

"this country" bro this is the internet we ain't all from the same country

posted about a year ago

he aint with sen anymore as far as we've heard from George

posted about a year ago

ikd about most stacked on paper, fnatic and loud looked really stacked on paper as did liquid this year and optic last year, but they look pretty stacked as far as firepower goes

posted about a year ago

they might actually play better without prac I mean mibr game vs eg game

posted about a year ago

i havent been keeping up that much with emea other than fnatic is just better than everyone, is sayf really that good or is him being top 3 a little overrated for him since he hasn't been on a team that has gotten real close to winning anything like derke aspas leaf ardiis etc

posted about a year ago

like getting playoffs pov is possible if everything goes just right but getting tokyo pov isn't happening and that should really be the goal, I phrased that weird

posted about a year ago

everything has to go just right depending on POV

posted about a year ago

i think this would be excititng to see drx take home

posted about a year ago

free my boy. But tfuck him can be read wrong

posted about a year ago

not really most chamber players play sage and jett and can play other agents too

posted about a year ago
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