Country: United States
Registered: October 26, 2021
Last post: May 7, 2024 at 1:54 PM
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better phrasing - he had the least impact of all the DRX members. better?

if so, I'd wholeheartedly agree. Rb has frankly skyrocketed up in value over the past 6 months, MaKo.. he's MaKo. stax can be demonic, as can Zest, but BuZz just does not sit right on sentinel sometimes.

posted about a year ago

examine your life and determine what other variables you aren't holding steady. is your sleep off? has your diet changed? mother died? gf fucked your neighbor?
get all of your ducks in a row, then eliminate more variables in the game. play a consistent warmup/aim training routine, even if it's for 3 minutes, before you play ranked, EVERY TIME. Derke literally put out a thread on consistency on Twitter, and he is arguably one of the most consistent players in the world, and that is one of the biggest things he also touted.

posted about a year ago

perhaps if language barriers weren't an issue. feel like I'd rather have Boaster in there, SUYGETSU on sentinel (he had an insane tourney), and Ethan on flex. he individually had a fantastic tournament and historically has a lot of impact on teams in both CS and VAL. so

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

100T vs EDG was an amazing match, both teams played well. all high level analysts who are costreaming the games - TMV, sgares, sliggy - all mention that both teams looked really good, and I'd agree
100T vs FUT, not sure, pretty sure 100T Lotus comp is just dog shit (why would you play Cypher over KJ who has MULTIPLE broken ults across the map? makes no sense), other maps I couldn't catch but seems like they're playing inconsistent (i.e. stellar top frag day1, today Asuna and Derrek topfrag w stellar bottom)

posted about a year ago

that makes a lot of sense, appreciate the explanation

posted about a year ago

i think everyone underestimates the impact of having literally thousands of people rooting for you whenever you get a single kill, regardless of if you can hear them or not (which you DEFINITELY can if they're all screaming and cheering for you). stellar couldn't hear much because the arena has significantly fewer spectators for 100Ts games since they haven't played a Brazilian crowd, just look at the camera shots

LOUD and FURIA looked decent, true, but I suppose I'll have to wait and see how playoffs are and how LOUD look to judge, because I wasn't extremely impressed with them. they are great at building momentum up it seems, but a lot of rounds that they won in both LOUD v NRG and fnatic v FURIA came down to wacky ass clutch situations. like I said, I'm open to my mind being changed, but I think people may overrate those two teams specifically

posted about a year ago

fair enough

posted about a year ago

im curious to hear opinions - how close do you guys think the match would have been in a non-Brazilian venue? I've looked at matches this tournament as heavily skewed in favor of Brazilian teams just because the emotion of thousands of people going AGAINST you and FOR your opponent is an incredible barrier to climb
EDIT: but FURIA looked surprisingly solid. their haven composition actually was extremely well thought out, had multiple looks on both sides, and was quite impressive. ascent, I think Brazilian teams are just gods at, so seeing fnatic win was a bit of a surprise, but mostly because they just played really well.

posted about a year ago

im genuinely curious because I don't understand why people are offended - what is wrong with this question? is it because they were pissed off about the match loss and didn't want to talk about irrelevant topics?

posted about a year ago

sick seems mentally unwell. her tone of voice and the way she phrased things in her voice messages she posted on Twitter suggest to me that she's a manipulative girl who took advantage of Hunter wanting to make the relationship work. "half open", "I'm with another guy and talking with other guys, but he needs permission to talk to another girl" - that's a VERY toxic relationship dynamic. that power dynamic just screams to me, "I want to control this other human being and what they do, but I am allowed to have what I want"

posted about a year ago

you seem like a salty bettor. you spend a lot of time complaining

posted about a year ago

You named the three bottom frags on NaVi in that match. Congrats, you played yourself

posted about a year ago

you need to find a distraction worthy of replacing her. i would say using the heartbreak you feel now and converting it into anger that she didn't see your value, that she had already checked out of the relationship (since she moved on so quickly), to become a better person than she is. she ain't worth it brother.
i live with my ex girlfriend, and when we broke up a few months after moving in together, i was in a similar mental place to you. focus on the parts about her that show to you why she was NOT a good partner and why it is good that things have ended between you two. redirect your focus from being worried about what she's doing and who she's with to realizing this is a chance for you now to evolve into someone greater than possible when encumbered with another person. this is an opportunity for you - it is not knocking you down. it is helping you to grow whether you realize it or not.
if you need more specific advice, dm me brother - we're all in this together. stay well.

posted about a year ago

this is a fan tournament, not a player tournament

posted about a year ago

yall hear sumn

posted about a year ago

thank ya

posted about a year ago

perhaps I'm not looking in the right place, but when do Lotus and Split replace Bind and Breeze in the active map pool for the Challengers Splits?

posted about a year ago

UB has lost 3 maps to nonamers? wym they're shitting on everyone

posted about a year ago

BTS was always amazing to watch in CS. hopefully they do this more in VAL, production was probably some of the most fluid of any tourny in recent memory

posted about a year ago

everyones talking about his downgrade as a player, which is accurate, but the communication upgrade is pretty significant. having all native English speakers/someone who fully meshes culturally will significantly contribute to their ability to pivot and become better since, by default, synergy will be better and they'll have someone who can communicate new ideas just as effectively as they can. which isn't a rag on saya at all, it is literally just a language barrier thing

posted about a year ago

they look regardless of who they played. people tend to forget before they flunked on LAN and before Chamber era that they were on a trajectory to be a top NA team. hell, they beat optc, obviously online, but even still

posted about a year ago

you have zero understanding of how a professional team develops strategically

posted about a year ago

they didnt get scammed, the refs just didn't know their own rules which is hella dumb. unfortunate for kru anyway, except for the C9 game they looked far better than I expected

posted about a year ago

fair enough! i was referring more to players in general providing value (regardless of role) but i get where there was the misunderstanding. cheers to a non-combative discussion

posted about a year ago

i hope you know what you said is mutually exclusive from what i said. i said nothing about "his role", i said he brings value beyond just a role player

posted about a year ago

you cant say something like that when it's objectively not true. he brings far more to the team than fragging power, and he's able to play whatever agent necessary

posted about a year ago

Everyone severely underrates the experience Ethan brings to every team he's been on. Every team he's been on had a significant uptick in performance after he joined

posted about a year ago

Interesting they kept elmapuddy

posted about a year ago

maybe sacy, but the others? zekken is funny but not necessarily charismatic, tenz..

posted about a year ago

spotted the tenz bootlicker

posted about a year ago

ill take Zellsis > zekken, they need more hype players not less

posted about a year ago

they seemed a lot more composed, enzo was playing smarter, alfa and derke were back in form, boaster wasnt triggered/nervous, mistic still in good form. if they keep it up, i can totally see a world where they stomp their way to a win. but whenever fnatic looks the best seems to be when they crumble, so... tbd

posted about a year ago

u really revived this just to shit on their grave huh? feelsbadman

posted about a year ago

Didn't watch the game but they lost two close maps with their top player having an off game and their flex having 17 kills? Seems like an off day for them but idk, someone with more insight probably knows better

posted about a year ago

this is a poor take

posted about a year ago

How fucking boring is your life that you get pleasure shitting on other people? Actual loser

posted about a year ago

So many weirdos on this site get hard when teams lose just so they can try to shit on other people. Get a life

posted about a year ago

Peanut brain

posted about a year ago

LOL huh?

posted about a year ago

when else do u want them to do it exactly

posted about a year ago

more likely shaz would than have tenz lie on his stream. bc if it's true, then shaz looks like an asshole and that he's holding the team back even. so lying to save face makes more sense

posted about a year ago

i hope your 2 brain cells can process this- you're contributing nothing to this conversation. your ego is in the way of you having an actual discussion as to why you disagree with me.
ill bring crayons next time you want to discuss anything so i can draw it out for you.

posted about a year ago

i dont know the reason why you need to understand why they pushed- that's their decision making. assuming your utility is set up correctly and you're watching the angle, it should not matter what they are doing- you are stopping their push, unless they use an ability to get around it. so you shouldn't care about what they're thinking. that's my perspective, everyone has a different opinion
your point about not wanting to use a third party app makes a lot of sense, imo that's the most important reason to add VODs to val

posted about a year ago

solid argument! classic NA val user

posted about a year ago

So watch your own VOD back and extrapolate- is the trip jumpable? Could he have TPed past? Regardless, you don't need to see his POV to get useful info from it

posted about a year ago
  1. This is a waste of time; if I'm watching a VOD back, I want to know what I can do to improve, not to worry when someone crossed to site
  2. This is the definition of a player's tendencies, the way they habitually act/things they do
posted about a year ago

Before graduating a month ago, I was captain for my university's Valorant team- we just recorded our own individual VODs to review our gameplay with a third party program. It makes sense to watch yourself back, so you can see bad tendencies, I definitely agree; but I don't know about the need to watch other teams from their perspectives. I think it makes it too easy for your strategies to get broken down and copied, but it still happens anyways

posted about a year ago

If you want general lineups, go to YouTube and find some general lineups. There's a lot everywhere. It wasn't meant to be easy to figure lineups out
I get what you're saying, that it's easier to have VODs so people can just watch where they are, but if that's the only reason to implement VODs in Valorant, that's kinda a shit reason

posted about a year ago

Ok, so then why do you need to watch their VODs then? If it isn't to know their tendencies, since you just said it doesn't matter that much, what is the point of watching a VOD back?

posted about a year ago
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