Flag: Israel
Registered: March 16, 2022
Last post: January 14, 2024 at 7:03 PM
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posted about a year ago

Australia is a proxy state of China who cares what the country thinks.

posted about a year ago

keep using the e-bully B word and thinkin it’s cool

cringelord McCringer

posted about a year ago

wow you’re taking this personal and serious lol

posted about a year ago


probably a SEN fan fake flair

posted about a year ago

pearl is more like iceworld than inferno.

posted about a year ago

yeah i don’t blame SEN fans for not having brains as they defend shroud getting a spot on the team while experienced players like meL don’t get an opportunity.

SEN fans and jasonR fans are one in the same if you ask me

posted about a year ago

sean gares

posted about a year ago

“No one cares!!”

writes a paragraph.

lol cringelord mcgee. maybe write on Reddit how you got emotional over someone’s opinion on a gaming forum regarding a cartoon game that your rank is that of a low grade jewel aka plat

it’s my opinion. just move on.

posted about a year ago

so you think it’s ok to stream anime that was designed and built by someone else’s hardwork for free?

how is that ok? he stole someone’s time energy and art for his own benefit

posted about a year ago

wow this keyboard is cringe and speaks Chris Hanson material.


he has to go and they need to replace him. def a threat to people of a certain age

posted about a year ago

my bad I was speaking Chad and forgot you only understand Brad

posted about a year ago

oh no I forgot when I’m slaying 10’s they ask me about my vlr stars.

better get my act in check bc esney the career plat3 player called me out

posted about a year ago

he did in the CS days when he crumbled under the c9 pressure and became a has been.

he thinks working out / doing roids rid him of the stink but it didn’t

he will always be known as the kid who crumbled under c9 pressures and never recovered

posted about a year ago

yeah shanks betting on pro matches and having influence on people throwing is wild

can’t believe riot allows it

posted about a year ago


always raging
always yelling
super toxic
advocates for bad behavior

the community doesn’t need this shirtless rager promoting to people how to be a bad person.

thank you twitch for protecting the community <3

posted about a year ago

nice e-bully comment

posted about a year ago

not 100T

posted about a year ago

Elvis Presley

posted about a year ago

i was advocating for it to be seen solely on my own screen and not for others

posted about a year ago

wow based.

posted about a year ago

can riot finally come out with a package to allow ability skins?

why should brim smokes be orange? i want brim smokes to be smoke grey with blue lines.

why can’t I buy skins to have the abilities represent me?

phx flashes neon green should be an option

give the community what they want

posted about a year ago

lmao Sean gares is the greatest coach in eSports history
nadeshot is the greatest owner in eSports history

100T even has the dopest sickest radest apparel in eSports history

posted about a year ago

nice reading comprehension.

we were up 5v2 defensive side. they were executing A and their bot fragger, most likely a lot like you, was sitting in tiles alone after 3 were taken out at A and the other was spotted wine.

let me guess you lurk sewers A while exec at long C too?

posted about a year ago

bad players can gimmicky their way into the tourney at the expense of established players and tier1 players

basically it’s like playing in a diamond game and someone is sitting in the corner of tiles waiting for a late rotate when it’s 5v2.

posted about a year ago

ooo ur so edgy using toxic words like ****dead that have a history of being used by radicals

so edgy bro!

posted about a year ago

why throw around e-bully words like ****dead and get emotional?

it’s a different opinion.

my guess is you’re hard stuck plat3/d1 getting stomped by g3 high elo and still can’t comprehend things happen in a game and anything can happen.

if the best always win then how come the guard make it to grand finals and faze didn’t?

posted about a year ago

has to do with the community it self not allowing players who’ve put in hours of work to be put up against ransoms simply bc they have radiant rank and open qualifiers.

i understand that I advocate for the person who’s put in work + the best players and you advocate for gimmicky play ins to make Reddit plat3 players happy.

there’s enough room for multiple opinions in the space including wrong ones like yours

posted about a year ago

say that to SEN who put shroud above plenty of well established players who didn’t get a chance.

Example = meL

posted about a year ago

so bad players will improve by 2024? there’s people on this forum who’ve been in plat 2 since beta

posted about a year ago

even if the case 3/4th of radiant players are low key bad and don’t even use mics. see Tarik’s stream

posted about a year ago

what a terrible move.

consumers want tier1 players and now it’s a roll of a dice that some ascendant 1 group of players get randomly lucky in a play in scenario.

there needs to be limits on who can play with the best.

what’s next we just remove ranks and anyone can play with anyone?

even a broken clock is right twice a day.

sad day for the pros who put in tons of work and now some random 5 que can qualify through a gimmick play in. riot got pressured by the career plat3 Reddit posters to “save tier2” scene. Tier 2 sucks and gameplay is terrible


posted about a year ago

is a wet fart actually poop or just moist air?

posted about a year ago


anything but this is a bold lie and cringe

posted about a year ago

oooo you’re edgy bro

just put up my 100T posters in our business lobby.

shaking aim asuna holographic gets so much praise

posted about a year ago

lolol get owned noobs

NA’s top 3 best player top 10 world wide

posted about a year ago

from what I heard it’s the Los Angeles Legends or something of that sort

posted about a year ago

yes the GOAT org is entering the chat

posted about a year ago

heard some rumors there’s a new line up coming for franchising.


c9 and SK are the rumors of the org going to pick the roster up.

1-2 million a year per player. its happening

posted about a year ago

this is against the rules

Do not make personal attacks of any kind. Keep trash talk within the realm of Valorant.

posted about a year ago

hopefully new franchising has rules against certain sponsorships that are not good for the player base

instead of ***-fuel it should be proper hydration and possible excercise companies or even mental health awareness companies or maybe a solar / EV company promoting sustainability.

that’s the world I wish to come true

posted about a year ago

rumor behind the scene is bc riot refused to pay her the same as the “others”(aka diff gender)

posted about a year ago

he’s not entertaining tho. he fumbles basic analogies attempting to convey what happened.

posted about a year ago

still doesn’t have a grasp of the fundamentals of the game yet still gets to cast

tell me why he gets to cast and Mimi doesn’t?

i can only think of one thing…

posted about a year ago

all you do is follow me around the forums harassing and bullying.

says a lot about you and your priorities in life.

you throw the B word around like it’s not an offensive / bullying word used by the same people who advocate for other actions in life.

i can only imagine your thoughts on other events and behaviors in the world.

posted about a year ago

oh look people getting lashing out at me, the same people over and over, bc I advocate for no bullying and women like mimi getting a fair shot at casting

how will i ever sleep?!?

keep exposing yourselves.

posted about a year ago

zellis is toxic, mean, angry, yells and bullies people.

how can you defend that? riot should have a personal conduct policy in franchising and require all players to adhere to a certain behavior.

it’s 2022. step up and act right

posted about a year ago

not sure plat players should be questioning the mind of vanity.

maybe take a moment to learn vs make a post

posted about a year ago

how many championships does bang have?

thanks I’ll wait

posted about a year ago

integrity of the game over the flair. never saw shaking 4k’s/aces in Berlin.

riot should also start testing for substances. protect the game and promote health over results

posted about a year ago
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