Recent Results

Current Roster

Rating history

Core ID:
Form Rating
Ranking History
Last Rank (Mar 2023)
8W 25L
1471 1463 1454 1445 1437 1428 1420 1411 Matches Played Rating
August 3, 2021
vs. Team Novas
Valorant Conquerors Championship
Loss (Placement) – 1458 vs. Unrated
August 10, 2021
vs. Global Esports
The Esports Club Gauntlet - Season 2
Loss (Placement) – 1458 vs. 1817
August 18, 2021
vs. Team Valor
The Esports Club Gauntlet - Season 2
Loss (Placement) – 1458 vs. 1485
August 30, 2021
vs. Team XO
The Esports Club Gauntlet - Season 2
Loss (Placement) – 1458 vs. 1586
September 2, 2021
vs. Team Cohesion
The Esports Club Gauntlet - Season 2
Loss (Placement) – 1458 vs. 1501
September 5, 2021
vs. F1LS Esports
The Esports Club Gauntlet - Season 2
Win +13 – 1458 vs. 1583
September 14, 2021
vs. FS Esports
The Esports Club Gauntlet - Season 2
Loss -12 – 1471 vs. 1461
September 15, 2021
vs. Outset Esports
The Esports Club Gauntlet - Season 2
Win +12 – 1459 vs. 1475
September 25, 2021
vs. Velocity Gaming
Skyesports Championship 3.0
Loss -3 – 1471 vs. 1774
September 28, 2021
vs. Team Punished
Skyesports Championship 3.0
Loss -2 – 1468 vs. Unrated
October 12, 2021
vs. Weird Esports
The Esports Club Gauntlet - Season 3
Loss -15 – 1466 vs. 1503
October 20, 2021
vs. Reckoning Esports
The Esports Club Gauntlet - Season 3
Win +16 – 1452 vs. 1504
October 28, 2021
vs. FS Esports
The Esports Club Gauntlet - Season 3
Loss -12 – 1468 vs. 1492
November 9, 2021
vs. Salt Esports
The Esports Club Gauntlet - Season 3
Loss -10 – 1455 vs. 1522
November 12, 2021
vs. SUS SquaD
The Esports Club Gauntlet - Season 3
Win +19 – 1445 vs. 1482
November 18, 2021
vs. Velocity Gaming
The Esports Club Gauntlet - Season 3
Loss -2 – 1464 vs. 1849
November 24, 2021
vs. Enigma Gaming
The Esports Club Gauntlet - Season 3
Loss -6 – 1462 vs. 1678
January 12, 2022
vs. Team Exploit
The Esports Club Gauntlet - Season 4
Loss -7 – 1456 vs. 1641
January 13, 2022
vs. Reckoning Esports
The Esports Club Gauntlet - Season 4
Loss -11 – 1449 vs. 1559
January 18, 2022
vs. Optimistic eSports
The Esports Club Gauntlet - Season 4
Loss -9 – 1439 vs. 1525
January 19, 2022
vs. Optimistic eSports
Marcos Invitational Cup
Loss -10 – 1429 vs. 1525
January 22, 2022
vs. Team Valor
The Esports Club Gauntlet - Season 4
Win +18 – 1420 vs. 1506
February 23, 2022
vs. Team 69
The Esports Club Gauntlet - Season 4
Win +18 – 1437 vs. 1457
March 3, 2022
vs. FS Esports
The Esports Club Gauntlet - Season 4
Loss -17 – 1455 vs. 1458
March 7, 2022
vs. True Rippers
The Esports Club Gauntlet - Season 4
Loss -9 – 1439 vs. 1570
May 12, 2022
vs. Lethal Esports
Skyesports Champions Series
Loss -10 – 1429 vs. 1495
June 17, 2022
vs. True Rippers
The Esports Club Community Cup
Win +25 – 1419 vs. 1566
June 19, 2022
vs. Revenant Esports
The Esports Club Community Cup
Loss -8 – 1444 vs. 1603
June 22, 2022
vs. prime 5
The Esports Club Community Cup
Loss -14 – 1436 vs. 1476
July 19, 2022
vs. Orgless
The Esports Club Challenger Series 8
Loss -2 – 1421 vs. Unrated
November 2, 2022
vs. Anaadi Army
NSG YUDDHA PHASE 2: All India Championship
Loss -8 – 1419 vs. 1484
November 4, 2022
vs. Blind Esports
NSG YUDDHA PHASE 2: All India Championship
Win +16 – 1411 vs. 1436
November 5, 2022
vs. Minion Gang
NSG YUDDHA PHASE 2: All India Championship
Loss -2 – 1427 vs. Unrated
Last Rank (Mar 2023)
8W 25L
78 95 112 129 145 162 179 196 Sep '21 Oct '21 Apr '22 Jul '22 Sep '22 Mar '23 Ranking
August 2021
September 2021
Stage 1
Stage 2
VCT Champions
February 2023