What video style do your prefer?

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Ofc the CS one has less budget, i am more interested on which style do you prefer.



this one is a more accurate comparison IMO

the day 1 teases don't tend to focus on the prestige of the events and rather act as a cool informative piece about the teams participating


style wise the valorant one is cool but purely for the environment easily the csgo one audiences just cant be beaten everything abt the hype

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this one is a more accurate comparison IMO

the day 1 teases don't tend to focus on the prestige of the events and rather act as a cool informative piece about the teams participating

tbh it's a weird comparision in the first place since the CS video covers content that is usually placed in "The Headshot" videos for Valorant i.e. introductions to the teams, their players, their stories etc. It's somewhat a combination of the day 1 tease videos, the cinematic, and a headshot video too.

Valorant tournament cinematics generally focus on their theme and the prestige while having the teams kinda take a backseat as a result, which I'm not a super big fan about but I understand the reasoning behind it.

I do think the Valorant cinematics in general are a lot more visually appealing, but the CS one that emphasizes the more human-related aspects like passion isn't bad either.

For 2021 as a whole, I felt that the marketing was slightly pretentious. However, that's in line with the whole "valorant is an art" thing they were going for since art in itself is often pretentious. 2022 Reykjavik's focus on pressure and fear was a lot better.

IMO, the Valorant one is a lot more digestible due to its visual appeal and shorter length. However, I wish the marketing team would place just a little more focus on the players' and fans' passion for the game - audience shots are fantastic!


the IEM Katowice one is actually hype because it builds a storyline

the valulronte one sucks ass, it feels like it was for kids who like flashing lights and sparkles

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