Keznit god

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Asuna saying Keznit is s1mple of valorant, him and mazino non duelist owning these teams. Not many people including me expect chile to produce good talent but kru so good. Especially keznit and mazino like im surprised. Imagine them on a team with better duelists like heat for example, or they go NA, seriously insane players


In all latam there is talent, there always was, there is only a lack of investment, that is what Aguero always says, we always leave latam, the case of Nozwerr and Saadhak for example, Aguero bets on latam, he wants talent to come to latam , stay in latam, not leave

s1nek [#2]

In all latam there is talent, there always was, there is only a lack of investment, that is what Aguero always says, we always leave latam, the case of Nozwerr and Saadhak for example, Aguero bets on latam, he wants talent to come to latam , stay in latam, not leave

Just like BR tho.
Problem is.. without investment builds you more stronger but if you get too much you would become like NA.


The problem is that I think Klaus is the only one that speaks decent English, even though Kun said they already hired an English teacher for the boys so they can have the best future. Even though they are not gonna disband soon anyway

i_need_NA_mommy [#3]

Just like BR tho.
Problem is.. without investment builds you more stronger but if you get too much you would become like NA.

He said that if the boys show that they deserve it, he will invest what he has to invest, hopefully having a figure like him investing in the region will encourage more people to do so

s1nek [#2]

In all latam there is talent, there always was, there is only a lack of investment, that is what Aguero always says, we always leave latam, the case of Nozwerr and Saadhak for example, Aguero bets on latam, he wants talent to come to latam , stay in latam, not leave

Yeah ur right. I just want them to play eu and na more so that i can watch them more often but maybe i just start watching LATAM valorant aswell


i suppose that if LATAM had the economic resources that other regions have they would have more competitive teams in the FPS since apparently the prizes to be distributed in their tournaments are very small, which causes the teams not to prepare well to compete with others regions...

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