Why is it so hard to rank up mannnnn...help plez

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Alright look I get the whole "you suck" and also....we'll say i'm trasshhhh...
Other than that I'm D3 and have been like 90% of the time soloq D3 since beta. Are there any tips you higher level players can give me because I swear no matter what I do I can't get into immortal. I feel that I deserve it because I'm decently consistent and when on "Teams" and scrim avg imm2+ I can usually be towards the top while being able to flex any agent for the most part. I'm not asking for nothing other than the final push to be immortal 1 since I just want something to show as improvement from D3. Any tips from higher players?

Some thoughts I have had were:

  1. warming up even longer I'm talking 15min in aim labs and 15 min of DM
  2. trio/5-man que with others (although)
    3.hydrating and actually getting up between games to stretch (I know has helped)
    4.consistancy in mouse grip/sens/and sitting position ( I switch between 2 mouse grips and I just kinda sit in whatever position feels comfortable)

i was in your situation (plat3 act1, dia2 act2 and now imm1 act 3)
number 1 thing i found that helped me get better was playing new agents. When you play the same 1 or 2 over and over you develop the same habits and "crutches" on some abilites, which limit you in the long run. Playing 3-4 agents regularly has made me understand my enemies better, how to communicate with my team better and how to work well on my base game skills (aim, gamesense, crosshair placement. etc.

hope this helps and you hit imm1 :)


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Cheasle2 [#2]

i was in your situation (plat3 act1, dia2 act2 and now imm1 act 3)
number 1 thing i found that helped me get better was playing new agents. When you play the same 1 or 2 over and over you develop the same habits and "crutches" on some abilites, which limit you in the long run. Playing 3-4 agents regularly has made me understand my enemies better, how to communicate with my team better and how to work well on my base game skills (aim, gamesense, crosshair placement. etc.

hope this helps and you hit imm1 :)

I solo q so I will get ez opportunities to play different agents
Will try from now on
Thank you!


Honestly I think you're just thinking about it too much, games not that serious in ranked. I was definitely in your spot for ages but at imm1 instead (I got 50+ imm1 wins in act2, only 1 imm2 win lol) but then I stopped caring as much and became a Reyna insta lock. Like just play whichever character you find fun, warmup somewhat and play as much as you want. For me when I started only playing Reyna the game became way more fun, which meant I played it way more, which meant I got way better and made it to imm3 very quickly and easily.

For actual in game play though, always think about getting value in the round, even if means you end with a shit KD. I've often bottom fragged even with Reyna but still won easily because I'm throwing the best flashes and letting my team trade kill me to win the bombsite and the round (also remember KD doesn't effect elo gains at all in immortal, and very minimally in high diamond). Realise sometimes other players are better set to be alive later in the round than you, but also realise when you they aren't. Sometimes too when I'm placed with a bunch of diamonds or just people I can tell are bad, I will hard bait to set myself up to clutch (which is especially easy with Reyna) but that might not be a good idea if you aren't comfortable clutching, I only do it because I've always been a clutch player, even up to years back in CSGO.

ravissant [#5]

Honestly I think you're just thinking about it too much, games not that serious in ranked. I was definitely in your spot for ages but at imm1 instead (I got 50+ imm1 wins in act2, only 1 imm2 win lol) but then I stopped caring as much and became a Reyna insta lock. Like just play whichever character you find fun, warmup somewhat and play as much as you want. For me when I started only playing Reyna the game became way more fun, which meant I played it way more, which meant I got way better and made it to imm3 very quickly and easily.

For actual in game play though, always think about getting value in the round, even if means you end with a shit KD. I've often bottom fragged even with Reyna but still won easily because I'm throwing the best flashes and letting my team trade kill me to win the bombsite and the round (also remember KD doesn't effect elo gains at all in immortal, and very minimally in high diamond). Realise sometimes other players are better set to be alive later in the round than you, but also realise when you they aren't. Sometimes too when I'm placed with a bunch of diamonds or just people I can tell are bad, I will hard bait to set myself up to clutch (which is especially easy with Reyna) but that might not be a good idea if you aren't comfortable clutching, I only do it because I've always been a clutch player, even up to years back in CSGO.

+1 on my road to immortal (and even in immortal lel) i frequently bottom frag, but still have a 70% WR in soloq because i focus more on setting my team up for success. Someone needs to play support.

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