Why are other regions toxic against BRs?

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Nobody hates these countries because of their real world development level. It's the fans intereaction why people dislike them
When BBL was top of the TR scene, the people shit talking other eu teams saying Aimdll going to aimdiff KEK, or when SMB was on a rise, they shit talked other teams. Same shti happened in CS with woxic and xantares.

indian people on this website were treated the same way sen/tsm/wardell/tenz fans were treated. They have a good player, and hyped the living fuck out of them.

Nobody hates india because they're an underdeveloped country. People just use that as a way to shit talk.

Nobody gives a fuck about a countries standing. It's fans that amke people dislike a region. Why do you think nobody hates thaii teams? They're an underdeveloped reigon, but nobody hates on them. Why? Because their fans aren't obnoxious. It's why people on CS hate french fans, people on siege dislike NA fans.


Thank you for the reply, I 100% agree with you.

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