I'll whisper something...

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Brazil, after so much humiliation us suffered at Valorant this year during Masters 2/3, VLR, and reddit, now has the chance to qualify 3 teams to the playoffs, it certainly won't be easy but it's not impossible either, with all due respect to our opponents and especially SEA/KRU/CR, but if VK beats Acend today it will be a true arc of redemption for an anime in which the protagonist is humiliated and then becomes alpha chad sigma.


how does vk compare to furia in your opinion?

EpicGamerGamingEpicly [#2]

how does vk compare to furia in your opinion?

VK is Gambit's biggest scrimming partner since they went to the Masters, I think this has really accelerated the boys' evolution and now the team is stronger with Mwzera, Keyd is a more adult team in my opinion and I doubt they had egopeeking on that Ascent against Sentinels in the afterplants, Heat is a much better operator than Xand but Xand is an entryfragger, and Mwzera is better than either player on both teams and I think that is so hard to him underperform on LAN, VK trains a lot, the guys are 200% confident

EpicGamerGamingEpicly [#2]

how does vk compare to furia in your opinion?

I think keyd are more strong individually but failed in strats earlier.If they changed this they are a force to be reckoned

Noyn [#3]

VK is Gambit's biggest scrimming partner since they went to the Masters, I think this has really accelerated the boys' evolution and now the team is stronger with Mwzera, Keyd is a more adult team in my opinion and I doubt they had egopeeking on that Ascent against Sentinels in the afterplants, Heat is a much better operator than Xand but Xand is an entryfragger, and Mwzera is better than either player on both teams and I think that is so hard to him underperform on LAN, VK trains a lot, the guys are 200% confident

best unit of measuring a team: how much do you scrim with gambit?

shyftnot [#5]

best unit of measuring a team: how much do you scrim with gambit?

I don't know how many times they've done it now, but in the Masters was 7 times or more


Noyn [#3]

VK is Gambit's biggest scrimming partner since they went to the Masters, I think this has really accelerated the boys' evolution and now the team is stronger with Mwzera, Keyd is a more adult team in my opinion and I doubt they had egopeeking on that Ascent against Sentinels in the afterplants, Heat is a much better operator than Xand but Xand is an entryfragger, and Mwzera is better than either player on both teams and I think that is so hard to him underperform on LAN, VK trains a lot, the guys are 200% confident

so vk vs acend gonna be a banger then les go

Noyn [#6]

I don't know how many times they've done it now, but in the Masters was 7 times or more


it's fine. i just liked that your response to: "how good is vk?" was: "they scrim a lot with gambit."


Just want it to be a good match to watch like yesterday

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