Americans come

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I was talking to an American friend who's very smart and is attending Princeton next year. Apparently, college costs around 400,000 USD for all four years. He's not from a low-income household or anything, but he was saying that his parents can't afford to send him to college (so his parents can pay for his younger sister's tuition), so he's going to have to take on around 300,000 USD of student debt.

He was complaining that the bourgeoisie class has the absolute worst in America when it comes to post-college life because they can never apply for any low-income scholarship opportunities. Their parents aren't wealthy enough to pay for college straight up. Instead, they must take on 400k of debt that FORCES them to get a high-paying job after their education. Meanwhile, kids from lower-income families take around 30k of student debt that they can usually pay off in a year.

Now, after college is over, both the lower-income student and the middle-class student have received the exact same education, lived in the exact same dormitories, watched the same lectures, etc. But why does the student from the middle class have to take on a disproportionate amount of debt that could take 10 years to pay? Hell, the interest on the student debt for the middle class IS PRETTY MUCH THE SAME AS THE STUDENT DEBT FOR A LOWER INCOME FAMILY.

Not only do middle class children have it the absolute hardest when applying to college (they can't write on their resumes that they were from some impoverished family), they have to spend the most time studying to get into college, and when they finally make it to their college of choice, their drowning in student debt that prevents them from doing what they actually want to do and instead forces them to take highpaying jobs that USUALLY involve exploiting other people for money (Wallstreet I'm looking at you).

Is this how the capitalist system of America treats its bourgeoisie???



Kirako [#2]




bro never heard of freedom keke


Some of your numbers are off. A low-income family a kid would still take on hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt if they attended Princeton.


terrible idea to go 300k into debt not worth it at all, much better to go to a school that would give more/full aid



KyLZi [#5]

Some of your numbers are off. A low-income family a kid would still take on hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt if they attended Princeton.

no absolutely incorrect

my friend's mom is the Princeton school committee chair (legit knows everything about the school) and his mom was saying that Princeton FLIES THEIR KIDS OUT TO ORIENTATION if they're from a low income family.

student debt comes out to 30k for that university specifically.

ilovefrozenblueberries [#6]

terrible idea to go 300k into debt not worth it at all, much better to go to a school that would give more/full aid

well how are you gonna get a high paying job to pay for your fucking catfood in America because everything is so expensive

otherwise have fun living in a van near the river


College is a scam in america

Sidyon [#10]

College is a scam in america

well if you don't go to college how are you gonna get a highpaying job of choice to afford ur 5k dollars a month rent for a tiny ass apartment.

fucked if you go to school
fucked if you don't


its not worth it.
if hes as smart as you claim he can get full ride to any decent engineering college

Coures [#9]

well how are you gonna get a high paying job to pay for your fucking catfood in America because everything is so expensive

otherwise have fun living in a van near the river

i got to a state school and i’m set to make six figures out of college 🔥🔥🔥

just gotta be smart with it

Coures [#11]

well if you don't go to college how are you gonna get a highpaying job of choice to afford ur 5k dollars a month rent for a tiny ass apartment.

fucked if you go to school
fucked if you don't

Work at McDonald's, make 100 dollars, go to casino, gamble 100 dollars, lose half, win 50, gamble 100, win 200, and rinse and repeat. Infinite money glitch

j3bx5597 [#12]

its not worth it.
if hes as smart as you claim he can get full ride to any decent engineering college

i never said anything about how smart he was but Princeton would be an obvious choice for him because he's double legacy there.
he definitely would not get full ride to any decent college
also engineering 🤢

Coures [#9]

well how are you gonna get a high paying job to pay for your fucking catfood in America because everything is so expensive

otherwise have fun living in a van near the river

by going to literally any other school thats cheaper?

People often think that college name, branding, etc helps get you into a better job, but thats only because the students that get into these top colleges are hard workers, and hard workers are more likely to put in the effort to get internships, etc.

If you are smart enough to get into Princeton you should be smart enough to realize 300k debt is a terrible choice on predatory student loans, and you can succeed anywhere else with your hard work.

Even if you don’t get scholarships/aid, there are many top schools that are half, a quarter, or even lower cost than Princeton. Like I’m going to a top 5 school for my major thats only 50k a year and I’m oos, if you’re instate it can literally be 1/2 or 1/3rd of the price

Coures [#8]

no absolutely incorrect

my friend's mom is the Princeton school committee chair (legit knows everything about the school) and his mom was saying that Princeton FLIES THEIR KIDS OUT TO ORIENTATION if they're from a low income family.

student debt comes out to 30k for that university specifically.

After looking more into it, I see that specifically, Princeton does provide a lot of support for low-income families. However, a student would have to be accepted. Which the school wants to make money and there is a lot of competition to get into that school. So, it isn't likely that the school isn't going to be accepting very many low-income students in the first place.

Coures [#15]

i never said anything about how smart he was but Princeton would be an obvious choice for him because he's double legacy there.
he definitely would not get full ride to any decent college
also engineering 🤢

engineering pays the bills.


Bro at least he is able to get these opportunities. Most low income/impoverished families cant even come close to the same opportunities. They will go to public school, succeed with high grades but due to problems with finances at home they have to work two jobs, take care of parents and siblings, etc. And imagine the mental illness and trauma that comes from all of that as a high schooler. Say they do apply for the scholarship they are pitted against millions and millions of other students in the nation that are also in the same situation and most scholarships are heavily biased towards schools with alot of funding so it’s not like the chances were fair to begin with. Say they get the scholarship, the grades, and the Princeton acceptance. They still will end up with so much debt, ofc not 400k but the amount of time it would take a low income to pay off debt compared to a high/middle income would be twice as long.

Your friend can do whatever he wants and complain however he wants but he should be grateful that he got into Princeton. Take that high quality education, turn it into something meaningful, and instead of crying about existing opportunities he should start creating his own opportunities. If he accepts to go to Princeton, he has so many resources compared to any other school that he can utilize to prevent the debt from crippling him. Learn strategies to save and not spend.

TLdr; your friend needs to be grateful and enjoy the life that was given to him. I agree middle class families have it rough but the bourgeois created this nation and its upto them to figure out how to goddamn live in it.

KyLZi [#17]

After looking more into it, I see that specifically, Princeton does provide a lot of support for low-income families. However, a student would have to be accepted. Which the school wants to make money and there is a lot of competition to get into that school. So, it isn't likely that the school isn't going to be accepting very many low-income students in the first place.

also incorrect
20% of the student base is RESERVED for low income students


Sidyon [#10]

College is a scam in america

I think "Private universities* are a scam" is a little more fair.

Coures [#20]

also incorrect
20% of the student base is RESERVED for low income students


this is pretty unique to this university and does not apply to the vast majority of american universities. low income scholarships exist at most schools, but schools that arent like top 20 schools all usually give out merit scholarships, for example my family isnt low income but i still get 50% off of tuition from a merit scholarship, so for the majority of students you get equally fucked whether or not youre low or middle class. that being said college is just too expensive in general in the US


princeton is crazy. my family cannot even afford to send me to a decent local college without humongous student loans and me taking a huge amount of AP classes to decrease the cost and increase the chances of getting scholarships.
Even if your friend is in a shitty shitty debt situation he is still in a much better place than a lot of the people in this country

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