I am heart broken

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I miss the times when my team used to be relevant. I miss the times when tarik would bring zellsis or whoever on call to watch party together and Zellsis would shit talk other people just like Boostio is doing rn cz at the time SEN was winning. I miss the times when FNS used to give a shit about us SEN fans. What happened man?
Such high to such low! How does it always happen with every iteration of SEN rosters. Actually needs to be studied


It’s cause the Sen players are locking in rn, no distractions


what not qualifying to one event does to a mf


Hello. Have you try cheer for new team? I was Sentinel fan like you. But then Sentinel let me down and 100 Thieves is good. So now I cheer for 100 Thieves. I do not like watch team lose so if team lose I will cheer for team that win so I am winner with team. Do not cheer for losser or you're are also lose too. Thank you.

HenBabyH [#2]

It’s cause the Sen players are locking in rn, no distractions

They don't know us bro. They don't care. I bet all of them are chilling hella, going to movies n shit while we suffer

torbjorn [#4]

Hello. Have you try cheer for new team? I was Sentinel fan like you. But then Sentinel let me down and 100 Thieves is good. So now I cheer for 100 Thieves. I do not like watch team lose so if team lose I will cheer for team that win so I am winner with team. Do not cheer for losser or you're are also lose too. Thank you.

I tried before but I can never convince myself to support anyone else as long as my GOAT tenz is there. Other teams or players just don't move me tbh

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