marved on stream

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bro really said I should've gone to NRG, unironically if he went NRG and they had s0m on duelist they would've been far better
damn ngl I didn't expect marved to be this genuine, he comes off as egotistic usually


he was never gonna join nrg

he said he wanted to take a break and he only joined sentinels cos 6 man and plus the money he wouldve got, same thing that zellsis wanted to do

and s0m on controller was their best player last year, he probably does better than marved

ozaee [#2]

he was never gonna join nrg

he said he wanted to take a break and he only joined sentinels cos 6 man and plus the money he wouldve got, same thing that zellsis wanted to do

and s0m on controller was their best player last year, he probably does better than marved

he said he originally wanted to join NRG then changed his mind, I feel like he implied the CS thing was just an excuse
he probably just wanted to take a break yeah
I agree s0m was better than marved on smokes but I think s0m would've been a better duelist than ardiis and he's really flexible + marved could've lurked



uwukitten [#3]

he said he originally wanted to join NRG then changed his mind, I feel like he implied the CS thing was just an excuse
he probably just wanted to take a break yeah
I agree s0m was better than marved on smokes but I think s0m would've been a better duelist than ardiis and he's really flexible + marved could've lurked

nrg probably wouldnt have kept s0m on main roster if marved stayed

i feel ardiis was always the main replacement for yay because ardiis or cryo were the 2 and 3 best chamber players

unfortunately most of the chamber players in 2022 got fucked in 2023, which is why so much of the previous best players struggled and why the best teams had the players that didnt switch from jett to chamber

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