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All these things dont win you a match. It doesnt matter if its 13-11 or fucking overtime win. What matters is that you close the game. And yes Sen lost to XSET but they won against them too. Here we are not Sen #1 seed NA and XSET KEKW couldnt even qualify


" What matters is that you close the game" this is true if we are talking about which team is better, which we are not. the winner of match does not matter in this case,, because we have already concluded that SEN is the best team NA. what matters is by how much they won. in both the envy and 100T grand finals games, SEN were extremely close to losing to envy(4 rounds) or envy forcing a third map(2 rounds), and 100T were 2 rounds away from map 5 on bind. they also lost to XSET.

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