VCT Awards

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Best player for a single tournement: SEN Tenz Reykjavik 2021
Best player for one year: Optic Yay 2022
Best player across every year: Loud/Vikings Saadhak
Best roster change: - EG BcJ +EG Demon1
Worst roster change: -Rb +Foxy9
Biggest team underperfomance: Sen 2023
Biggest team overperformance: EG 2023
Best map played: DRX v FPX Ascent 2022 Champs
Best series: Optic v Loud 2022
Best tourney: 2022 Champs
Most hype moment: FPX Ardiis 1v3 vs DRX on Ascent 2022 Champs
Funniest moment: Karmine Corp 2023 Nivera forgets to buy vs TL and wins the round
Most impactful moment: MIBR Tzoin knife vs 100T
Most intresting team to watch: Karmine Corp 2023
Biggest in game controversy: FPX turret v Xset on Ascent
Most boring team to watch: DFM 2023
Biggest player fall off: Yay
Biggest team fall off: Lev 2023
Biggest player growth: EG c0m
Biggest team growth: Kru 2023
Biggest team comeback: 2021 Sen to 2024 Sen
Biggest player comeback: Sen Tenz
Weirdest roster created: SEN Tenz Dapr Shahzam Shroud Zellsis
Best quote: "Melsers got the spike and hes tped away into heaven and dropped it. THATS THE SPIKE! The overheat moment, the positioning, what a blunder, what a whiff. Its match point for them-NO WAY YOUVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME- HE DIES OF FALL DAMAGE!! This is absolutley absurd, ive never seen anything like that"
Best costreamer: FNS
Best caster: Sideshow
Best caster duo: Bren and Sideshow
Best media moment: TGRD refusing to join vct without letting anyone (even their team) know
Person who gained the most hate: Leo Faria

Drop your own awards below!


-Rb +Foxy9 is the worst roster change??




best map is m3c (gambit) vs fnc on split
although it wasnt an international tournament definitely the best map of all time


where skrossi?

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