Angel on the Shoulder: Monyet

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Because your argument sums up to "Jinggg is the best and if PRX doesn't have Jinggg then they're gonna look bad no matter what" which is just dumb, they're top 3 even when Monyet has been consistently underperforming Raze, f0rsaken flexing on the role looks stronger than Monyet on top of that. Stop overrating him and the role itself and come to recognize that there are players out there who specializes in duelists that PRX can find themselves.


My argument is that whoever plays raze will pale in comparison not the team will look bad lmao. Also I don't even know what to respond to because there isn't even an argument here. ZOMG THE GUY WHO PLAYED WITH JINGG FOR YEARS AS DUELIST DUO SWAPPED TO RAZE AND LOOKED GOOD WOWWWW. like ???

I know what your opinion is you need to make an argument for it not just repeat it

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