VCT format

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Will split 2 be the same format? This was easily one of their worst formats and genuinely made zero sense. Sen loses 2 games, but win the whole event, while fnatic and nrg lose 1 and they’re out? No hate to sen they’re obviously not at fault, but that format is seriously scuffed.

Anyone knows if they’re reusing this for split 2 and Shanghai?


Bro this wasnt the split 1, the first split of vct americas starts on april

Kryomeister [#2]

Bro this wasnt the split 1, the first split of vct americas starts on april

So this Madrid and kick-off is in its own sphere kind of like lock-in last year?

TeoEmil [#3]

So this Madrid and kick-off is in its own sphere kind of like lock-in last year?


Zerphyr1 [#4]


Do we know the split 1 & 2 format?

TeoEmil [#5]

Do we know the split 1 & 2 format?

5 games per split, 1st stage is playing in your group stage two is playing other group iirc


bruh sen and karmine corp was facing elimination after losing the first match too they made it out into playoffs
meanwhile nrg and fnatic already made it just after 1 match

sen and kc had to play 4 matches to get to where nrg and fnatic did it in 1

make it make sense brudda. if anything those guys had an advantage they could study them so much on those maps

TeoEmil [#5]

Do we know the split 1 & 2 format?

Probably same format of last year, 10 match against each others and playoffs

TeoEmil [#5]

Do we know the split 1 & 2 format?


In split 1 each teams will play 5-6 matches and then I'm pretty sure there is a playoffs and then the top 3 teams will go to masters shanghai. After this stage 2 commences and teams will play another 5-6 matches with a playoffs at the end in which the top 3 teams from playoffs will make champs and then the team with the most championship points who have not already qualified also make it to champs.

Bald_man [#7]

bruh sen and karmine corp was facing elimination after losing the first match too they made it out into playoffs
meanwhile nrg and fnatic already made it just after 1 match

sen and kc had to play 4 matches to get to where nrg and fnatic did it in 1

make it make sense brudda. if anything those guys had an advantage they could study them so much on those maps

stupid argument

Bald_man [#7]

bruh sen and karmine corp was facing elimination after losing the first match too they made it out into playoffs
meanwhile nrg and fnatic already made it just after 1 match

sen and kc had to play 4 matches to get to where nrg and fnatic did it in 1

make it make sense brudda. if anything those guys had an advantage they could study them so much on those maps

Firstly NRg won two games and FNC won 1. FNC as the best team of last year ofc they get some advantage. And thirdly you should just win then.


Do you ever use that thick brain of yours? SEN lost 1 match and then just to get to playoffs had to play 4 elimination matches, lost to g2 where they were trolling, nrg didnt lose any and went straight to playoffs bro, Which one would you prefer, winning 2 and going straight to playoffs? or losing a mtch and play 4 elimination games?

Bald_man [#7]

bruh sen and karmine corp was facing elimination after losing the first match too they made it out into playoffs
meanwhile nrg and fnatic already made it just after 1 match

sen and kc had to play 4 matches to get to where nrg and fnatic did it in 1

make it make sense brudda. if anything those guys had an advantage they could study them so much on those maps

Exactly it's stupid to say Sen losses two as an actual argument considering one of their losses was the reason they had to play more matches than anyone else AND it was against the best teams in Americas.
The second loss wasn't even important and they didn't even need to win or wanted it enough to try. If you genuinely wanna say G2 could consistently beat SEN you're claiming they're the best team in the league.
Sen has been the most consistent team map to map of all the teams in every single league (apart from edg but they're dominant in their region). To say they "had a bad game against G2" is such A dumb statement considering how much they've already proven themselves

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