On a real note

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Coaches like Chet and termi are ass,

Talk shit about Kaplan, he built one of the most successful tier 2 teams, MCE has built TWO great teams. Potter made a champions roster with scraps from t2/3 NA. Ex6tenz ascended with a French roster while scream and nivera were being embarrassed in t1.

Chet has built 3 NRG rosters, his last two sucked. Optic was not a meta read it was a chamber monopoly. EG 2023 has a meta read. Termi has consistently picked the wrong players to continue and his roster management made DRX look worse than they are (hard) he will succeed with another super team but let it be known, if these guys had potter they’d be the best team ever.

More fraud coaches; NAVI boob bros is garbage and tbh winning with ardiis is his biggest accomplishment


winning with ardiss is a bigger accomplishment than winning champs


idk how boob bros and devi1 managed that

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