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No, I dislike Boostio and I don't think he is a good IGL. also, can I ask you a personal question, of course you dont have to answer, but what is your purpose in life?


Well i don't mind answering but it might end up being removed under the rule "no religion/politics". My purpose is worship. By that I don't mean to pray 24/7 and stuff like that, but rather to be a great person for the sake of my creator. I believe this life to be a test. Being kind to all humans/animals, seeking knowledge, taking care of people around me, spreading positive vibes, etc. Then dying a happy death with a geat legacy left behind. What is your purpose?


That is an interesting purpose, I think its really cool. My purpose / goal is basically to explore this world, I really just want to see and experience new cultures to have a deeper understanding of humanity when put under different geographical conditions, and how that effects the way of life. I don't really have any short term goals at the moment, but I believe I will have some when I start traveling, such as meeting new people, or just learning the language of the area I am in.


That is a great purpose, I hope you explore all of the world and life your life to the fullest

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