China Power Ranking

  1. EDG - Most obvious pick ever

  2. JDG - The Rare Atom core, who were dominating pretty much everyone else and are one of the very few teams to beat EDG domestically

  3. Trace Esports - The only other team to beat EDG domestically

  4. FPX - Pretty consistent deep runs in the domestic league and have the second most LAN experience of any Chinese team

  5. DRG - Have historically been decent, could definitely move higher if they keep their Ascension form up

  6. BLG - Beat the most storied core in Valorant history at Champions, kinda fell off domestically afterwards. Should look better with bear imo since rin was a weak link and Biank is more free to frag now. Could definitely move up.

  7. Wolves - Recently announced their roster and have quite a few decent players plus 3 players on the bench for prac purposes. Dark horse candidates.

  8. TEC - Picked up Rb which is very exciting but other than that nothing jumps out about them. Should be middling imo

  9. Tyloo - Have always been kinda middling domestically and haven’t made any super exciting roster moves

  10. All Gamers - No super notable signings, very unremarkable

  11. Nova - Same as All Gamers tbh

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