why boostio wont save 10 boobies

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lets be realistic

derrek was garbage and eiiu is better however do we really expect a team with bang and asuna to do well? Tenz has properly seperated himself from asuna and the content creator washed pro narrative (not that it was ever close asuna was top 5 na for like 3 months then fell off) Tenz now is turned up his fragging on a smaller role. I like asuna too, but still mid bang.

100t have no duelist, unless asuna is on duelist they have cryo whos allergic to entrying.
eeiu whos allergic to being good
asuna whos allergic to nothing and has ADHD and 0 mentality
b0tsti0 who realizes he cant flank when the opponent doesnt have to care about b0tgawmo and semen1
bang whos genuinely only good two maps every split ( most abnormal performance once a season then he goes back to being dephh with less personality )
cry0 the zero personality chamber god who decided that he has worst movement on duelist than radiant players ( honestly baffling ) he should play sentinels or smokes and they shouldve been the team signing n4rrate because they seriously have no real entry

in conclusion 10 boobies will go winless and get dominated ruthlessly


1st: flair
2nd: anyone with practice and coaching can be good
3rd: it would've been sick if they were actually 100 boobies


You’re a casual if you think eeiu isn’t good


eeiu is good now though, asuna is also a good player we just haven't seen him with a decent team in a while.

Cryo and boostio are both really good, the only question mark on that team is bang who is inconsistent as fuck but I have hopes for the team.

BUT -- 100T somehow find a way to lose, no matter the team and situation, maybe they're just cursed but we'll see.


cryo really does have like no personality so i agree

everything else is cap

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