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Wait he was on FaZe at like 15-16 years old?


yes and he was cracked but they trolled that entire roster

kaninv [#2]

yes and he was cracked but they trolled that entire roster

How so?

J0zza [#3]

How so?

they had a roster of dicey, babybay, shot_up, larrybanks and flyuh and they were winning lots of matches and losing in a couple finals, but overall doing well especially for a roster where flyuh and larrybanks were still considered up and comers. they axed larrybanks without giving him time to develop further (like OP said, 15-16 at the time) and added POACH as IGL and they played incredibly well with him to be fair (beating EG and Gen.G) before they just decided to cut shot_up and flyuh to add supamen and poised even though that previous roster was looking to be incredibly strong. with supamen and poised they ended up just doing OK and replacing POACH with rossy and making babybay IGL and eventually poised which was another troll move. they tried to remedy this troll move by removing rossy and dicey and adding mummay and tigg which didn't turn out great either.

kaninv [#4]

they had a roster of dicey, babybay, shot_up, larrybanks and flyuh and they were winning lots of matches and losing in a couple finals, but overall doing well especially for a roster where flyuh and larrybanks were still considered up and comers. they axed larrybanks without giving him time to develop further (like OP said, 15-16 at the time) and added POACH as IGL and they played incredibly well with him to be fair (beating EG and Gen.G) before they just decided to cut shot_up and flyuh to add supamen and poised even though that previous roster was looking to be incredibly strong. with supamen and poised they ended up just doing OK and replacing POACH with rossy and making babybay IGL and eventually poised which was another troll move. they tried to remedy this troll move by removing rossy and dicey and adding mummay and tigg which didn't turn out great either.

LarryBanks didn't get cut he left because he wanted to enjoy high school he tweeted about it

Wiggs [#5]

LarryBanks didn't get cut he left because he wanted to enjoy high school he tweeted about it

I didn't see that tweet, can you link
I'm looking for a tweet about it but am not finding anything

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