Was too early

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for guys like MiniBoo, Kamo, RieNs, Benjy etc.
prob TL will be great cause they got Ascension 2nd place but i mean
GTZ wasn't that good to get Kamo, pAura is the only one prepared on S2G for T1 (maybe reazy or russ) but RieNs is not as what people think, MONSTEERR deserves more a T1 than Benjy, I always said that MiniBoo was great and i keep it, but maybe was early
Karmine prob will have the same problem cause tomaszy, marteen and N4RRATE prob will not be prepared for t1,
VIT runneR i think will be good but i don't feel confort enough with Kicks
and yeah i know yetujey and Wo0t are looking good, but remember Wo0t will not play first part of the year for Age problems

so looking know, FNATIC is the same and is ok (they're the best), GIA and NAVI make normal and good moves, FUT only is proving 1 T2 player, TL is with prob the best T2 guys they can(Apeks), KOI was crazy with moves as Starxo IGL and Kamo, same as TH/KC with 4 T2 players, BBL prob was smart with Elite+pAura (hope reazy get's good level), and i hope VIT works with runneR and Kicks, M8 is nothing to say, they won Ascension and is normal they stay as they're


monsteer and alivee got robbed tbh


I think it is way too early to say any of this.


Yeah but you need to take risks. Some will fail, but some will shine. Much give new players chances than recycle same old players. And funnily enough these new guys have looked like the best on these teams so far. Kamo, Oxy, MiniBoo, wo0t even Shadow have looked good or at least decent while older players have been weaker. But yeah there is massive amount of unproven tier 2 talent in EMEA next season, but I think its good overall and better for future.


should've picked up KPI roster

patuj [#4]

Yeah but you need to take risks. Some will fail, but some will shine. Much give new players chances than recycle same old players. And funnily enough these new guys have looked like the best on these teams so far. Kamo, Oxy, MiniBoo, wo0t even Shadow have looked good or at least decent while older players have been weaker. But yeah there is massive amount of unproven tier 2 talent in EMEA next season, but I think its good overall and better for future.

i mean yeah but i feel a lot of bad desicions, like Kamo when they lit had ALIVEEE, Benjy was for replace zeek and finish year, but makes no-sense keep him, MiniBoo/RieNs/Wo0t i understand but can someone explain KC with 3 NEW DUELIST (marteen, tomaszy, N4RR4TE) also how is MONSTEERR not in T1, or how ScreaM and Nivera are out
i know risks are not bad and Wo0t/yetujey were good ones, but i feel that there was better options and they didn't get them
i can say you a lot of players were better options:
lowel>Starxo smoker, ALIVEE>>>MiniBoo/Kamo, DeepMans>RieNs, MONSTEERR/Lime>>Benjyfishy, JUGi>MiniBoo/Kamo, ScreaM>>>MiniBoo/Kamo, Nivera>Starxo smokes
Koldamenta>Starxo IGL
i mean bro, this is real things

capital_d_colon [#3]

I think it is way too early to say any of this.

i think it is early to get down players like ScreaM or Nivera for this new ones
also there was better options like ALIVEEE that didn't get picked

PINTO0 [#6]

i mean yeah but i feel a lot of bad desicions, like Kamo when they lit had ALIVEEE, Benjy was for replace zeek and finish year, but makes no-sense keep him, MiniBoo/RieNs/Wo0t i understand but can someone explain KC with 3 NEW DUELIST (marteen, tomaszy, N4RR4TE) also how is MONSTEERR not in T1, or how ScreaM and Nivera are out
i know risks are not bad and Wo0t/yetujey were good ones, but i feel that there was better options and they didn't get them
i can say you a lot of players were better options:
lowel>Starxo smoker, ALIVEE>>>MiniBoo/Kamo, DeepMans>RieNs, MONSTEERR/Lime>>Benjyfishy, JUGi>MiniBoo/Kamo, ScreaM>>>MiniBoo/Kamo, Nivera>Starxo smokes
Koldamenta>Starxo IGL
i mean bro, this is real things

I do agree with some things for sure. IMO Alive should have picked over Kamo, but I don't mind Kamo pick. Not huge fan of keeping Benjyfishy and think there's better option, but from what I've seen he seems really vocal and positive so that could be good. KC project is weird on paper, but its pretty clear that tomaszy will switch to sentinel role and marteen/n4rrate will play duelist and flex. Its risky but young players with potential. Monsterr retired/took break, Scream is likely pretty expensive and even tho he is good he is already pretty old and maybe doesn't have best reputation after KC and Nivera would have been good pick for KOI but not sure why that didn't happen, likely because of money.

PINTO0 [#7]

i think it is early to get down players like ScreaM or Nivera for this new ones
also there was better options like ALIVEEE that didn't get picked

Scream & Nivera would likely only come as a duo.
Judging by what was happening with KC I don't think teams would want a repeat of that.

patuj [#8]

I do agree with some things for sure. IMO Alive should have picked over Kamo, but I don't mind Kamo pick. Not huge fan of keeping Benjyfishy and think there's better option, but from what I've seen he seems really vocal and positive so that could be good. KC project is weird on paper, but its pretty clear that tomaszy will switch to sentinel role and marteen/n4rrate will play duelist and flex. Its risky but young players with potential. Monsterr retired/took break, Scream is likely pretty expensive and even tho he is good he is already pretty old and maybe doesn't have best reputation after KC and Nivera would have been good pick for KOI but not sure why that didn't happen, likely because of money.

yeah but i think we all know this could be better, rn it seems that EMEA will be FNA, FUT, TL, VIT, GIA, NAVI and maybe BBL or M8.

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