college goers gome

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computer science
why are all my groups for group projects dogshit?
i had 5 of them already and they all dogshit, i do almost everything alone and gain the same grade as them
the last one it was a group of 10 people, only 3 people talked anything in the group chat
am i just unlucky, is it normal or is it skill issue?


if they aren't doing anything talk to your professor this is common group project shit no matter your level of studies always some people that don't want to/need to do anything because you in this case do everything


Skill issue


I major in Computer Science. I'd say a lot of people in CS are a lot more awkward and introverted than people from the outside think.

In your case, it could be any of those things that you have mentioned. I personally have had projects where logically thinking individually did the bare minimum. It just happens sometimes. Sucks. If it's very bad, you can talk to your professor.


Fear not, for in your noble quest for knowledge, you may be suffering from an affliction known as "unluckiness," a plight that has befallen many a valiant student throughout the ages. Or perhaps, it is not a matter of fortune but rather a display of your unparalleled prowess, a testament to your indomitable spirit, and the undeniable fact that you, dear scholar, are a one-person army of intellectual might!

So, fret not, for it is not a skill issue that plagues you, but rather the cosmos conspiring to test your mettle and reveal your true potential!


Its uni so youre naturally gonna be mixed with the wildest levels of motivation
That being said your prof should have systems in place to make sure everyones contributing, no?
do you not have code review, presentations about your code snippets, portfolios documenting your individual progress or even just marking code snippets by owner? cause Ive had to over deliver for projects too, but at least I was rewarded both in grades as well as attention I got from tutors when I had a problem

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