Deadlock potential fixes

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I've had an idea of potential deadlock buffs/reworks that could actually make her valuable and contend with KJ/Cypher.

  1. Her trips are pretty shit and I think riot dropped the ball with them. KJ and Cypher both have info gathering abilities that provide massive value to their kits. I know Deadlock is supposed to be a contender to Sage, but sage provides value outside stopping rushes whereas Deadlock doesn't. So, I think her first change should be to make it, so her trips still detect someone if they walk through them but don't trigger the stun effect and the deactivate for the rest of the round. Also increase the audio they make so you don't have to be right next to it to break them. This would still make it, so she has some kind of value outside of solely stopping rushes.

  2. Her wall is already good, but I think the change I would make would raise her skill ceiling and reward players for having good game sense and intuition for where and when teams are going to rush. So like viper her wall could be like a flat two-sided wall that she could put up and down of a potential energy source or timer. Of course, it would still be breakable, and the HP would be lowered but I feel like this would add more value to the wall than it already had. The wall would be the length of A main chokepoint on pearl.

  3. Her grenade is ass but I think keeping it the same with these changes are fine but if I were to make a change it would be maybe getting stuck in the circle would blind you but that sounds broken and too wacky even for Valorant.

Feel free to flame the shit out of for letting the voices win if these ideas are shit.


i aint readin allat, deadlock will remain horseshit for the rest of eternity

now, what can we do to buff cypher?

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