How much play for KAY/O do you think we will see?

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I saw a lot of teams playing KAY/O today, but do you think the no duelist comp will actually happen?


NRG ran no duelist today and it worked out pretty well for them, I doubt most other teams havent tried no duelist comps yet... besides TSM, we prob tried 4 duelist and kay/o. our smokes are jett with wardell

jdee [#2]

NRG ran no duelist today and it worked out pretty well for them, I doubt most other teams havent tried no duelist comps yet... besides TSM, we prob tried 4 duelist and kay/o. our smokes are jett with wardell



Could see if happen for some maps (The larger maps are what first come to mind for me, but I haven’t seen the games today). Personally I hope it doesn’t become the norm for every map as it gets rid of a lot agents. But a period where team comps are light on duelists for a bit will be interesting. Seeing if teams are able to crack into sites without having the mobility that agents like Jett, Raze, Phoenix ult, give you. Though I’m also a person that doesn’t give much attention to agents classes as for many agents you can play them differently than what their role is listed as. Hope to see some out of the box team comps though hopefully.


I think it's prob be Kayo jett. Kayo can practically work as a skye like a second duelist so I wouldn't be surprised if teams run him like that. I do think in the NSG weekly or whatever it is. There is an oversaturation of Kayo. But idk. I feel like he'll work best on like ascent and maps that skye are better than sova but not absolutely insane. Like Split as well. Maybe Haven but idk I still think sova would be better.

He'd def work in a no duelist comp but I think it'll prob just be a jett kayo comp usually. I think he'll slot in nicely into some no duelist comps but I don't think he's gonna be in all of them.

Also Hot Take: I think Kayo is overrated. In many places I think it's just straight up better to run breach or skye especially because of how strong they are now after everyone else being nerfed into insanity.


I don't think 0 duelist comp will ever happen, but I can definitely see phoenix pickrate dropping like crazy lol

georges [#6]

I don't think 0 duelist comp will ever happen, but I can definitely see phoenix pickrate dropping like crazy lol

Phoenix pickrate is already down pretty low since duelists like him have virtually no place in the meta. Jett and raze are far better plus they can be complimented with a skye or breech.

Zaynio [#7]

Phoenix pickrate is already down pretty low since duelists like him have virtually no place in the meta. Jett and raze are far better plus they can be complimented with a skye or breech.



I think that kay/o will be used less than what people had initially expected. He is definitely a great character but I think people overhyped him in the end since his abilities seem to be only really great on split and ascent; every other map is just about average in my opinion.


NA won't drop jett at least 1 map in Bo3 will have jett


sick using kay/o problaby

georges [#6]

I don't think 0 duelist comp will ever happen, but I can definitely see phoenix pickrate dropping like crazy lol

I guess we will see, but I don’t think those two characters have as much overlap as people think. And where they do, I actually prefer Phoenix outside their flashes.

IMO Phoenix’s Ult is better and cheaper at that. Their ults will be used at different times I feel. As good luck trying to revive a KAYO in the middle of the site if you used his Ult like Phoenix to crack into a site. KAY/O IMO, is better used when you have teammates coming in with you, so you can completely take over a site together, giving you the chance to revive him if he goes down. I just don’t feel KAYO fits into the duelists job of being the one to enter first into a site by himself. I do think he can initiate fights by himself like a Duelist though. Think the two have some good ways to work together as well, could be interesting how it all pans out.

I don’t know about you guys, but I have had and seen very few successful revives of a KAYO when entering a site and trying to play him like a Phoenix. Maybe I am off on this though. I could actually see him eating more into Skye’s usage, as he gets the recon info with the knife, and his flashes are some of the best in the game. Especially if Skye’s gets the rumoured nerf to her Ult going up to 7orbs.

Looking forward to seeing him in pro play. Guess my questions will be answered then. You might be correct though that he eats into Phoenix. I just personally haven’t had that happen in my time with him.

ilikerubikscubes [#8]


New Breach is a beast. And super fun to play imo.


Kay/0 will be used a lot. But no duelist comp is hard to happen. Because duelist skill is make for entry.
If you think Kay/0 can be used as duelist, yes he can. But if you wanna make Kay/0 as entry, no he can't he will need support from other agent skill.

jdee [#2]

NRG ran no duelist today and it worked out pretty well for them, I doubt most other teams havent tried no duelist comps yet... besides TSM, we prob tried 4 duelist and kay/o. our smokes are jett with wardell

All that to lose to brimstone gaming who have the power of friendship


I think NRG ran skye with Kay/O on Haven with no duelist comp. These two agents are pretty strong together imo. On haven you suppress the enemy (most of the time the cypher/killjoy) and they can't escape, flash with the skye, kill the one person who is there. Site is clear, postplant 5v4. I think its really strong.

Mahj0ngMaster [#15]

All that to lose to brimstone gaming who have the power of friendship

insert family meme


He spelled Breach "Breech"
Edit: oh lmao. meant to reply to #13

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