Struggling in Silver

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I'm so demotivated.. I don't understand why I'm struggling, I can't ferrari peek as good as other players and when I hold an angle I get dinked as well. When I check the flank I'm getting flamed by my teammates for not "helping him out".

https://youtu.be/tyNcrEjgcIY here's my gameplay if you'd like to criticize.

  1. silver players usually don't know more than you (they just think they do) so don't let them demotivate u
  2. practice ur aim, in silver even if u make a dumb decision you can win with your aim ( i personally like DM but pratice ranges works just as well, or just use a 3rd party aim thing)

same. unlucky really


honestly, grind a fuck ton of deathmtch, instalock reyna and play aggro, if u win a site push through ct and kill them all.


Imagine being silver. I'm hardstuck bronze lmao


On practice range do subroza's routine... he does it at the start of every stream. Also if you want to get out of silver and further into plat or maybe even diamond u should do DM (like an hour a day) and work on ur game sense... don't ego peak, trade teammates, work on movement (counter strafing and jiggling and jump peaking angles) and finally play viper/sova and learn 3 line ups for every map and site and you easily get into gold


Just from the pistol:

-All of you guys are in hookah, which is already pretty bad on its own, but your mistake here is not shooting sova's recon. You're the guy who is further back, yet you let yourself and your team get scanned 3 times. That's insanely bad. Never do that again.

-While your team was trading from hookah, there were time when you literally just aimed at the portal, what the fuck was that? And no, that's not "checking flank" as you say, because you don't even check all the way back (like Reyna did in 5:22). TP is NOT flank.

-From what I can see, you're holding shift way too much, even while you were just holding the TP, you were shift walking, what's the point?

My main tip for you and any low rank player is to work on your mechanics. Movement and aim, all the way.

number_1_bjor_fan [#2]
  1. silver players usually don't know more than you (they just think they do) so don't let them demotivate u
  2. practice ur aim, in silver even if u make a dumb decision you can win with your aim ( i personally like DM but pratice ranges works just as well, or just use a 3rd party aim thing)

number_1_bjor_fan with a serious and genuinely helpful take? World peace is indeed possible now <3


start by letting go of shift, ur holding it even after ur team made noise


go to deathmatch, and fuck what everyone else say, go hold some common corners, play like how you would in a 'real' game. That's how u improve

No point running around playing gunning like a mad man, when you wont be doing that in real game. in DM, hold the corners, jiggle it, try to get some quick HS. That's how you get good


I can assume off the bat you don't have the fastest reaction time. Search up "Human Benchmark test" on your browser and play it. It tests your reaction time, and helps you get faster with your reaction time as well. Also, you don't seem to have a great game sense, so you should watch pro streamers and take notes from them


you play really passive. you stand around with your dart out a lot. you let a sova dart scan you while standing behind a smoke (extreme disadvantage for you, ez spam kill) and you just had your dart out the whole time. i can’t stand playing that slow lol but that’s just me.

number_1_bjor_fan [#2]
  1. silver players usually don't know more than you (they just think they do) so don't let them demotivate u
  2. practice ur aim, in silver even if u make a dumb decision you can win with your aim ( i personally like DM but pratice ranges works just as well, or just use a 3rd party aim thing)

yea but BTTV is like a third-party thing and I don't know


Try to improve your aim. I think if you have good enough aim and simple game knowledge you can make it to gold pretty fast. Also get some confidence like sinatraa. He doesn't hesitate when peaking corners but instead he bunny hops around corners and even radiants aren't ready for this type of confidence. You might die if you whiff but if you have good enough aim you can succeed in killing the unready enemies.

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