Best agents for each class

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Duelist: Jett (Jett is just so good as a duelist, trapped in a sticky situation? Just dash out. Want to rush a site? smoke and dash in. The only problem I can see with jett is that she cannot contribute to the team that much, its all about the solo plays).

Controller: Astra , this doesn't need any explanation at all. Viper is close to astra as well because of her damaging abilities but I think astra is slightly better.

Sentinel: Killjoy ( no explanation needed for sure) ,

Initiator: Sova ( Gathers a lot of info + shok dart are useful af) Breach and skye are good as well but won't be relevant after they receive their flash nerfs


i agree. there are certains maps where i would switch out a couple of these (on split, i would rather have a breach and a raze instead of sova and jett), but across the board i think you are correct.

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