
Is breeze actually too big? Valorant..

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Serious question. I've played a bunch of it lately (seems like its higher in the rotation) and on defense, if you're all the way on A and they plant B, you have very little time to get to B while also worrying about lurkers/checking corners etc.

It seems like you have to be knife-out running to the other site to have any amount of time to find where your enemies are on the site (if they're even on the site) and defuse the spike in time.

Am I alone in this?


Yes, Breeze is like Inferno of Valorant. You need to depend on your teammates to anchor site properly, otherwise round is lost. Overall trash map.


it's due time that valorant learns map control and stops utility dumping. high time that ppl get away with running around being lost and shit.


I think breeze is easier to rotate than icebox


Well that's why you need mid control. Finally a smart map.

anothervlruser [#3]

it's due time that valorant learns map control and stops utility dumping. high time that ppl get away with running around being lost and shit.

While all of this may be true, I still dislike breeze in general.


I Havnt seen any of the stats but anecdotally speaking, from
The many games I’ve played in it now, it seems to heavily favour T side.

I’ve had several of my games, either won or lost, go 10-2 with one team on T side only for the other team to come back and win once they start attacking. Again, I’m speaking only from my experience and only in Plat 3/Diamond 1 elo but still. Seems to happen for more to me than on any other map. So yeah, it’s so big it’s hard for defenders to hold. I’m sure the pros will figure it out a lot better than my diamond 1 team though.

H3LiX [#7]

I Havnt seen any of the stats but anecdotally speaking, from
The many games I’ve played in it now, it seems to heavily favour T side.

I’ve had several of my games, either won or lost, go 10-2 with one team on T side only for the other team to come back and win once they start attacking. Again, I’m speaking only from my experience and only in Plat 3/Diamond 1 elo but still. Seems to happen for more to me than on any other map. So yeah, it’s so big it’s hard for defenders to hold. I’m sure the pros will figure it out a lot better than my diamond 1 team though.

pugs=t side
matches will be ct sided, did 10 mans(imm lvl) on the map for a week before it was released to comp and can definitively say it was ct sided

EDIT: Not by much though we will have to see. Both of the site's main entrances are choke points that can easily be coddled with shit(viper orb B/viper wall a). I think mid will be used a lot on this map to make up for it.


Breeze is a great map, unlike all other valorant maps u need to have mid control.
In other maps u can get away with poor composition/bad utility usage, in this one nope, u need ur sentinel players to use their utility to deny the map properly and to make time for rotations, in the other hand u need a sova/skye to gather info all around the map to have proper rotations.
having viper is a must, not having her in the composition is going to hurt alot in the T side, and hurt the rotations in the CT side cause viper has to strong hold A side.

The only thing that i would remove is the A tube/ A hall / A tunnel. I feel like the position is not used much and would make the map become way more 50/50. Right now the maps is T sided. Or remove the conection to metal doors. I feel like that position to a good lurker is OP


Breeze is a good map, while I do dislike it's size, I really like the layout, more angular and curved than other maps, less 50/50 angles, and good anchors actually are rewarded for holding down the site.

H3LiX [#7]

I Havnt seen any of the stats but anecdotally speaking, from
The many games I’ve played in it now, it seems to heavily favour T side.

I’ve had several of my games, either won or lost, go 10-2 with one team on T side only for the other team to come back and win once they start attacking. Again, I’m speaking only from my experience and only in Plat 3/Diamond 1 elo but still. Seems to happen for more to me than on any other map. So yeah, it’s so big it’s hard for defenders to hold. I’m sure the pros will figure it out a lot better than my diamond 1 team though.

I think its a CT sided map but not by much. the thing about Breeze is that because its so big, there's more room for rotates, split pushes, etc. And for a CT, its harder. But tbh, its only a matter of holding down the choke points


I like breeze. Its a good map. The only thing i dont like is since i am colourblind i have to increase my vibrancy and then the map is too bright for me and have trouble playing it :(


Yes.it is too big


A map that screams abuse mid initially will be ct sided in pro play but as time goes will be t sided

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