I've had an epiphany

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Why carry my team with sage and just scrape past the enemy in a close game when i can just insta pick jett and start flying into mfs and wrecking them without all the bother.

Well i tried it out and my average kills per game went from 20 to 30+. Finally i can get the fuck out of silver and leave that mess. Gold/plat here i come


typical silver player




The Riot balancing system is completely broken.


You really aren't wrong. Those who play non-duelist agents tend tend to have a significantly harder time escaping ranks. It's just much easier to frag out on a duelist and gain more rating that way especially if you are a really strong duelist. Insta-lock duelist if you give coms and are generally a really strong fragger.

However, if you are just a duelist player because you would go negative otherwise, then DO NOT GO DUELIST because you suffer from mechanical aim and game sense. You are going to hold your team back if you go duelist like that.

Insta-lock agent players have bad rep because they are generally represented by players who can't go positive without playing duelist. It's really sad in that sense and brings massive frustration to anyone that plays.

Zaynio [#5]

You really aren't wrong. Those who play non-duelist agents tend tend to have a significantly harder time escaping ranks. It's just much easier to frag out on a duelist and gain more rating that way especially if you are a really strong duelist. Insta-lock duelist if you give coms and are generally a really strong fragger.

However, if you are just a duelist player because you would go negative otherwise, then DO NOT GO DUELIST because you suffer from mechanical aim and game sense. You are going to hold your team back if you go duelist like that.

Insta-lock agent players have bad rep because they are generally represented by players who can't go positive without playing duelist. It's really sad in that sense and brings massive frustration to anyone that plays.

Yes well you saw that i was still performing well with sage only it was as more of a team player. I can cope on any agent and fill most roles. Its just that why bother scraping past and playing for the team when i can blow them out the water

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