Genius Idea for riot

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They should make it so that you can take kill banners from skins you already own and put them on skins without kill banners. Say if you owned prime vandal and liked the kill sound, you can put it on the newest battlepass skins as well. Makes it so they can release these shit bundles without sounds, and we can turn them into the recon phantom or champs vandal.

People buy skins with nice sounds that they dont like the rest of the skin (origin)
People buy shit skins with no sounds as they can equip sounds they like on them (literally every non premium skin)

Free money glitch?


If I could use sakura vandal with like the oni sounds id never use another gun.

grenji [#2]

If I could use sakura vandal with like the oni sounds id never use another gun.

would be unreal holy fuck, same with the koi fish phantom as well

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