The Sayf interview

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I've just watched Sayf's interview with Tombizz, and I have to say I didn't like a lot of the things he said.
He made Redgar look so horrible and like everything was his fault, and that he has the better understanding of the game, I've watched a lot of Sayf's streams and he always seems so arrogant but I didn't expect him to throw his IGL under the bus.
I understand that he has been treated unfairly and he's an insane player and duelist, but that wasn't the way to go about it, and I hope it doesn't get in the way of the team.
The upside of the interview is that he's probably going back to the duelist role, which he was really good at, and since Jamppi is good at flexing I think it's the right decision.


throwing his igl under the boss is not right 😔


I don't think Jamppi was ever that good at flexing, he's just been forced to do so by every iteration of the TL roster he's been a part of. Even on different agents his playstyle is still mostly the same.


Everyone who has commented on the interview saying that Sayf threw Redgar under the bus clearly does not have a good grasp on English. Sayf said that him and Redgar don't mesh calling wise and going into the tournament, he knew that was an issue. But, now that they've realized their mistake, they're correcting it and things are getting better.
Stating that there is a clash in calling styles is not throwing Redgar under the bus. It's a literal fact.

1cameh [#4]

Everyone who has commented on the interview saying that Sayf threw Redgar under the bus clearly does not have a good grasp on English. Sayf said that him and Redgar don't mesh calling wise and going into the tournament, he knew that was an issue. But, now that they've realized their mistake, they're correcting it and things are getting better.
Stating that there is a clash in calling styles is not throwing Redgar under the bus. It's a literal fact.

He said Redgar was the one calling during Lock IN and eMil trusted him with it but it didn't work and now we're trying to mesh our ideas.
That's basically saying Redgar's ideas and calling lost us our game and now we're not doing that anymore.
Anyone who understands english and has common sense would know that what he said was not the best thing to say whether it's true or not.

Jeffo [#5]

He said Redgar was the one calling during Lock IN and eMil trusted him with it but it didn't work and now we're trying to mesh our ideas.
That's basically saying Redgar's ideas and calling lost us our game and now we're not doing that anymore.
Anyone who understands english and has common sense would know that what he said was not the best thing to say whether it's true or not.

What exactly is your point? Did you want him to just lie and say "no I have no idea what our issues were"?

Even still, no, you don't understand English as well as you think you do, because the sentiment of what Sayf said was that he felt, going into the event, that things would not go well because the calling didn't mesh with him as a player. And now that they've lost, they're revising. He didn't blame Redgar. Stating something occurred is not equal to blaming somebody.


speaking facts in interview is leading to hate if he says nothing was wrong we just need time u will sow the seeds of hate that sayf is ignorant when a team is not breaking recons and and has no idea what to do mid round the flaw always lies with coach and igl


I'm pretty sure Liquid guys have been talking how all of them share similar vision of how team should work and how you should talk about stuff openly and not just be quiet if you don't like something. Liquid looked bad in Lock In. And even though you can't just blame 1 part of the team you can't pretend like their calls or adaptations were good. Also as much as I like Redgar, his calling didn't always look that good on M3C last year.

orthoboy [#7]

speaking facts in interview is leading to hate if he says nothing was wrong we just need time u will sow the seeds of hate that sayf is ignorant when a team is not breaking recons and and has no idea what to do mid round the flaw always lies with coach and igl

use punctuation, man.


Oh look, it´s Team Liquid having problems with IGLing once again

patuj [#8]

I'm pretty sure Liquid guys have been talking how all of them share similar vision of how team should work and how you should talk about stuff openly and not just be quiet if you don't like something. Liquid looked bad in Lock In. And even though you can't just blame 1 part of the team you can't pretend like their calls or adaptations were good. Also as much as I like Redgar, his calling didn't always look that good on M3C last year.

Last year they didn't even have an org or funding, and even then they produced some insane games.
I remember his calling in the quintuple ot against fnatic in split was so insane.
But M3C last year was just unfortunate circumstances, not really because of Redgar.

Jeffo [#5]

He said Redgar was the one calling during Lock IN and eMil trusted him with it but it didn't work and now we're trying to mesh our ideas.
That's basically saying Redgar's ideas and calling lost us our game and now we're not doing that anymore.
Anyone who understands english and has common sense would know that what he said was not the best thing to say whether it's true or not.

weird how bacon, sayf, redgar and sliggy have shown surprise at the fan reaction given its just "common sense"


It's because of mfs like you that we can't have nice things.
He was being honest, he said nothing wrong at all, and what you want is another drove that just says PR friendly shit because otherwise he gets hate from people with very low listening comprehension and IQ

Nachtel [#3]

I don't think Jamppi was ever that good at flexing, he's just been forced to do so by every iteration of the TL roster he's been a part of. Even on different agents his playstyle is still mostly the same.

He might have the same playstyle but he still manages to get good utility value while putting good numbers regardless of the agent. That's what makes him a good flex.

PunisherXPR [#14]

He might have the same playstyle but he still manages to get good utility value while putting good numbers regardless of the agent. That's what makes him a good flex.

Tf how is Jamppii a good flex dude he played smokes hella aggro costing TL lot of times and he doesn't have a big agent pool other than chamber when it was broken. His raze is shit

Moiraine [#13]

It's because of mfs like you that we can't have nice things.
He was being honest, he said nothing wrong at all, and what you want is another drove that just says PR friendly shit because otherwise he gets hate from people with very low listening comprehension and IQ

What you call "PR shit" is what gets people really far.
If you have a problem with your friend you wouldn't blame him in public just because someone asked you, you'd brush it off or say we're working through it even if it's 100% his fault, that's just how life works.
Being honest and answering straight isn't always the best policy.
Calling someone you don't know a "mf" and "low iq" because you don't agree with him tho, that says a lot about you.

Jeffo [#16]

What you call "PR shit" is what gets people really far.
If you have a problem with your friend you wouldn't blame him in public just because someone asked you, you'd brush it off or say we're working through it even if it's 100% his fault, that's just how life works.
Being honest and answering straight isn't always the best policy.
Calling someone you don't know a "mf" and "low iq" because you don't agree with him tho, that says a lot about you.

he didnt have a problem with his friend
This isn't your middle school playground. They are coworkers first of all, probably not friends. He was asked a question, he replied honestly : They tried having one caller only at Lock-in, with the whole team and the coach trusting the caller. it did not work out. So now you have the primary caller, that prolly makes strats for the team and prepares stuff for the early round then another person (sayf) to help him with the calling by doing midrounding instead.

If you have gotten anything else other than what i just wrote then you are the problem, not sayf. making up stories in your head and thinking this isn't a job and instead some teenage drama in some friend group. If you did get it right, then there is nothing in the situation that was wrong, everything was perfectly normal and happens in most teams, you just don't hear about it because they don't bother being as open about things.

Stop creating drama in your head, let the TL team do their thing and chill your ass down. i've seen you hate on Sayf repeatedly, it's cringe.

YeaUrMum [#15]

Tf how is Jamppii a good flex dude he played smokes hella aggro costing TL lot of times and he doesn't have a big agent pool other than chamber when it was broken. His raze is shit

He doesn't have a big agent pool but he can play every role at a high level. He's dominated with KJ, Chamber, Breach and Jett to name a few. That's 3 roles out of 4. Smokes is def his weakest role but can still play Omen decently and get value (even while OPing). Chamber was his main agent in 2022 but historically he's played all 4 roles decently. His raze is shit, no arguing that. But being bad at Raze does not determine whether he's a good flex or not.

Point is, historically, he's proven he can play every role decently, getting value while putting good numbers and has the easiest time adapting to each role out of all the old Liquid members.

Moiraine [#17]

he didnt have a problem with his friend
This isn't your middle school playground. They are coworkers first of all, probably not friends. He was asked a question, he replied honestly : They tried having one caller only at Lock-in, with the whole team and the coach trusting the caller. it did not work out. So now you have the primary caller, that prolly makes strats for the team and prepares stuff for the early round then another person (sayf) to help him with the calling by doing midrounding instead.

If you have gotten anything else other than what i just wrote then you are the problem, not sayf. making up stories in your head and thinking this isn't a job and instead some teenage drama in some friend group. If you did get it right, then there is nothing in the situation that was wrong, everything was perfectly normal and happens in most teams, you just don't hear about it because they don't bother being as open about things.

Stop creating drama in your head, let the TL team do their thing and chill your ass down. i've seen you hate on Sayf repeatedly, it's cringe.

You've seen me hate on Sayf? can you link it? This is probably the first time i've ever talked about him and even now I'm saying he's an insane player and should be the duelist, you have no idea what you're talking about.

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