Sentinels - Faze - GenG

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These teams, specifically the first two, have been under serious fire for their recent performances and it simply doesn't make sense. The precedent has been set from the first Master's tourney that these teams shouldn't lose games and when they do they have instantaneously "fallen off." When these three teams were smacking all the competition in Masters 1, nobody was talking about how bad the other teams were. The North American scene is incredibly unique as the competition is highly variable and tight at the same time. Simply put, I see people talking poorly on these teams with no motives other than their recent games. Please just give it time and wait for substantial loss or roster cuts to determine that a team has "fallen off."


People are goldfish and only remember the last match that happened. It happened after Sentinels lost to LG a while back. A week later they go back to praising Sentinels. ¯\(ツ)

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