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so im not transphobic


I see, you're taking things very literally, but I suppose you know that discussing terminology is just avoiding the discussion. If you wanna be strict about it, it depends on the reason you're denying a trans woman's identity. If it's for mere lack of understanding about transsexuality or gender, sure, you might only be uninformed, but if that denial comes from simply not wanting to allow them their own identity, then you're probably doing it because of aversion, and that would be transphobic. anyways, I shouldn't be having this discussion in vlr lmao


so i have something against trans people if i dont agree with the narrative that gender and sex have no correlation and that the identity and feeling that comes with being a female or a male is just made up by "society"??? Because thats the reasoning ive heard for the argument that anyone can be any gender because it has nothing to do with sex


the narrative is not that gender and sex have absolutely no correlation, most trans supporters agree that sex has a major influence in gender because of hormones and shit, but it's not a definitive correlation so they can in some cases be different. And that applies the other way around too, gender is greatly influenced by society because we have role models for men and women, but not entirely defined by society. I'm sure you've heard people say all different things I can't speak for everyone but at least the view I'm sharing is what I believed to be the general opinion. This disagreements are natural because gender is a very subjective word and there's no clear way to define it.

Because of this, I don't mind if you think some genders people use in the internet are bullshit. But one thing is for certain: transexuality is for real. Studies show that the transgender brain has structural differences to their cisgender counterparts of the same sex that are more similar to the brains of their gender. Also we've seen transexual behavior way before the modern days in different cultures across the whole world. Therefore, in light of the facts, denying the existence of transsexuals is aversion, at least imo.

sorry for the long post btw, this is a complicated topic with a lot of nuance and I just don't wanna be misunderstood, but I think you agree that debating this in here is pointless anyways


ok but all i said is that trans people are biologically not the sex they claim,they can feel like the opposite gender but that doesnt change anything,as you pointed out its quite literally a disorder in ur brain structure that makes you feel like you are not who you are witch is obviously not natural or to be encouraged like people are doing now, to me it sounds like people are trying to diminish the difference between sex and gender to make trans people feel better about themselves,being a different "gender" doesnt mean u are the sex affiliated with the gender,you can say you feel like a woman but saying u are a "real woman" and ur just as woman as the women who are biologically female is jus delusion,cant help if someone finds this "offensive"


sure, being trans is "out of the norm" in terms of being a minority, but why would must it be considered a disorder? You might suffer with body dysphoria but besides that you're a normal person, the fault is much more on the society for not accepting their way of being. imo, this sounds like prejudice of your part because a man looking like a woman or vice versa "is weird". And it is natural, as I proved by it being literally a biological phenomenom. Also because of that, it doesn't make sense to say it's being "encouraged", you can't convince someone to become trans, people are already born that way, society is just trying to make people more comfortable to be who they are.

About whether the words "woman" and "man" and refer to a person's gender or sex, it's up to us to decide. Language is a tool to communicate, so definitions should reflect our intentions, and not the other way around. And I think it's much more inclusive and kinder to use "man" and "woman" according to a person's gender, so we can treat trans people as how they feel, than arbitrarily excluding them from these terms.

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