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are you smoking


No way😱

Qwertyy [#2]


are you smoking

Squirtle Squad > Shit9


LFG, ez ascension for FAZE if this the actual groups



bmanangelo [#5]

LFG, ez ascension for FAZE if this the actual groups

seen this dogshit take twice now. Even though they have their easier group, Faze is just as mid as any of the challenger teams that qualed. they are not getting past SR, much less G2.

ash_knuckles [#7]

seen this dogshit take twice now. Even though they have their easier group, Faze is just as mid as any of the challenger teams that qualed. they are not getting past SR, much less G2.

on what basis can we assume that faze is going to be mid when they were literally the third best team in the last tournament they played

gamr [#8]

on what basis can we assume that faze is going to be mid when they were literally the third best team in the last tournament they played

after an astonishingly mid run imo. Only impressive feat performed that tourney was beating eventual winners 100T, but even that might've been a fluke as they got absolutely dominated rematching in lowers over three maps.

Regardless, i will rescind my statement, as it seems each and every player has leveled up multiple tiers after franchising happened. No previous ratings matter anymore (a prime example of this is M80, who regardless of results, has been highly rated by every single pro) and all predictions (mine included) are honestly just blind takes rooted in fanboyism.
However, if i would be allowed to continue to offer a fanboy's take, it wouldn't be a matter of faze being mid, but that everyone else (SR specfically, dunno about G2) has evolved past them.

previous take was way too harsh(honestly incorrect), SR>Faze>G2 (compiling results + opinions by pros), overall still a tossup as all prev ratings do not matter.

ash_knuckles [#9]

after an astonishingly mid run imo. Only impressive feat performed that tourney was beating eventual winners 100T, but even that might've been a fluke as they got absolutely dominated rematching in lowers over three maps.

Regardless, i will rescind my statement, as it seems each and every player has leveled up multiple tiers after franchising happened. No previous ratings matter anymore (a prime example of this is M80, who regardless of results, has been highly rated by every single pro) and all predictions (mine included) are honestly just blind takes rooted in fanboyism.
However, if i would be allowed to continue to offer a fanboy's take, it wouldn't be a matter of faze being mid, but that everyone else (SR specfically, dunno about G2) has evolved past them.

previous take was way too harsh(honestly incorrect), SR>Faze>G2 (compiling results + opinions by pros), overall still a tossup as all prev ratings do not matter.

bro really talking about opinions of pros as if they actually give scrim results(which dont matter) and real ratings of teams. How the hell youve decided SR is better than FAZE when FAZE has been better than SR from the literal existence of pro valorant is beyond me. But seeing that youre a Liquid fan, im not surprised xD. Mandem forget FAZE has the player that was the second best chamber in NA after yay being Dicey and BabyBay who can literally win a team a map on his own just like yay. But anyway bro, Bdog will carry! wohoo

bmanangelo [#10]

bro really talking about opinions of pros as if they actually give scrim results(which dont matter) and real ratings of teams. How the hell youve decided SR is better than FAZE when FAZE has been better than SR from the literal existence of pro valorant is beyond me. But seeing that youre a Liquid fan, im not surprised xD. Mandem forget FAZE has the player that was the second best chamber in NA after yay being Dicey and BabyBay who can literally win a team a map on his own just like yay. But anyway bro, Bdog will carry! wohoo

idk if you heard but chamber kinda isn't relevant anymore, and as such players with chamber stats have to kinda reprove they can perform consistently at the same level -chamber. SR> faze because SR has undeniably leveled up from what they were (beating the TSM that would go on to beat SEN) and faze has yet to match that. The entire reason i brought pro scrim opinions into this is because faze literally have 0 results since the biggest meta shift in the game. Even then i still call the entire thing a tossup. what more do you want.

ash_knuckles [#11]

idk if you heard but chamber kinda isn't relevant anymore, and as such players with chamber stats have to kinda reprove they can perform consistently at the same level -chamber. SR> faze because SR has undeniably leveled up from what they were (beating the TSM that would go on to beat SEN) and faze has yet to match that. The entire reason i brought pro scrim opinions into this is because faze literally have 0 results since the biggest meta shift in the game. Even then i still call the entire thing a tossup. what more do you want.

https://twitter.com/zekkenVAL/status/1618309967551029249?s=20&t=PLpryL_6C_4cPX29Fi6kzA. theres your aanswer from an actual pro. Problem with guys like you is you dont wanna listen, but there you go, i rest my case


Where is Untamable Beasts?


bmanangelo [#12]

https://twitter.com/zekkenVAL/status/1618309967551029249?s=20&t=PLpryL_6C_4cPX29Fi6kzA. theres your aanswer from an actual pro. Problem with guys like you is you dont wanna listen, but there you go, i rest my case

bro this tweet was literally what i factored in. I literally said (results + pro opinions) and by that metric, SR edge them out because of their recent achievements. They're literally rated right beside each other too.

First you call me out for factoring in pro scrim opinions (which is literally WHAT THIS IS BTW, his power rankings are based on what they've shown in scrims), and you go on to submit the very same opinion i considered(didnt even wholly accept btw cause basing my entire opinion off of his would be dumb). I recommend you do give it a rest LMFAO

titanwithpp [#13]

Where is Untamable Beasts?



ash_knuckles [#14]

bro this tweet was literally what i factored in. I literally said (results + pro opinions) and by that metric, SR edge them out because of their recent achievements. They're literally rated right beside each other too.

First you call me out for factoring in pro scrim opinions (which is literally WHAT THIS IS BTW, his power rankings are based on what they've shown in scrims), and you go on to submit the very same opinion i considered(didnt even wholly accept btw cause basing my entire opinion off of his would be dumb). I recommend you do give it a rest LMFAO

you didnt even LOOK at my tweet. you decide to look at the photo which is the useless platchats opinion(useless because they are always wrong) im showing you ZEKKENs opinion, which he being a pro player having scrimmed against these teams puts FAZE above G2 and SR. and talking about "recent results" which arent even very recent, FAZE was literally third in champions LCQ, SR got double first rounded. so your recent results argument is also done. SO many braindead people on this site man...

bmanangelo [#16]

you didnt even LOOK at my tweet. you decide to look at the photo which is the useless platchats opinion(useless because they are always wrong) im showing you ZEKKENs opinion, which he being a pro player having scrimmed against these teams puts FAZE above G2 and SR. and talking about "recent results" which arent even very recent, FAZE was literally third in champions LCQ, SR got double first rounded. so your recent results argument is also done. SO many braindead people on this site man...

why tf did i see this a week later man.....now im too tired to debate. we'll let results speak for themselves ig. jsyk i literally was referencing zekken's tweet, if u'd just taken time to read my comment you'd have recognized that

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