Is showering healthy?

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I saw a post that said showering is actually unhealthy and it removes our natrual body armor that our ancestors used to survive so i decided to not shower for half a year and here are the results.

After 1 month i found that my annoyinn roomate who literally never leaves the dorm finally leaves for most of the day now and he actually leaves me alone so i can do my small little things in private without worry of anyone seeing

After like 1.5 months my teachers who would always make me stay after school cause i was playing league during class finally stopped bothering me, giving me detention and calling me to stay after class. Even when i was sent to detention when the TA saw me coming he just left so i didnt even have to stay

For the months after i found many benefits in day to day life. Not only did i save 1+ hours a day from not showering but also just quality of life improved. For example, when i used to get on the subway no one would give me a seat but now whenever i get on people look away and move seats so i have a big comfortable area to sit, lay, even sleep in. When I used to be in public I would get pickpocketed but I found in these past months no one would even come near me to bother me.

Another benefit I noticed was like I used to get many bug bites from mosquitoes in the wild and sometimes even cockroach infestations in the dorm but after I stopped showering for about 5 months, I can see like the mosquitoes forming a gap for me to walk through almost like I have a force field, and even the cockroaches who would go near or on my desk no longer go anywhere near me and they are all huddled under the gap in the door that leads to the outside.

Anyways this is my experience from not showeing and i think its true because i feel like i gained some special armor and really improved my life


yes, a special armor to scare all the women away ^-^


yes, not showering made me a pussy magnet


honestly i respect the effort you put into these shtiposts


Ikr you wanna be famous nt

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